Homeland Security Employee’s Hate-Filled Website to Prepare Blacks for the ‘Inevitable Clash With the White Race’

Madeleine Morgenstern
The Blaze
August 23, 2013

Ayo Kimathi is a small business specialist for the Department of Homeland Security. In his off time, he reportedly runs a website preparing black people for the “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.”

Ayo-Kimanthi-HatewatchThe Southern Poverty Law Center identified Kimathi as the “Irritated Genie,” whose website “War on the Horizon” is dedicated to “properly educating Black people to prepare for Racial Warfare.” On it, he also advocates for the “purge” of “Uncle Tom” “race traitors”; describes President Barack Obama as a “treasonous mulatto scum dweller”; and claims whites are behind the ”effeminization of the black male” that is “threatening the existence of every Black man, woman, and child on Earth.”

“Everybody in the office is afraid of him,” one of Kimathi’s former Homeland Security supervisors told the Southern Poverty Law Center. “This guy is filled with hate.”

“The 21st century will either mark the return of Black resistance to white domination or global white-on-Black genocide leading to our complete extinction,” the website declares. “Warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count.”

The supervisor said she was “astounded” that Kimathi is “employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

When the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal-leaning group that tracks organizations it deems hateful, reached Kimathi by phone Wednesday to ask whether he was the Irritated Genie, he hung up. A woman who answered the phone at the War on Horizon site refused to confirm whether the Irritated Genie was Kimathi’s online persona.

On its main page, War on the Horizon says preparing for racial warfare includes “intellectual, spiritual, psychological, and physical preparation for a global clash that will mean the end of white rule on this planet or the end of the Black Race as we know it.”

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