Homeland Security to Ban “Offensive” Words to Stop Terrorism

Daily Stormer
June 26, 2016
kneel to islam

Fighting terrorism – now without offending Moslems.

Having lots of Moslems around is a really good idea. They just enrich our lives in wonderful ways. Like, with kebab stands. And also, erm, well…


The thing with Moslems though, is that when you use words they don’t like, they start blowing up your base and killing your guys. That’s a bit inconvenient, sure.

But there’s a simple solution.


Faced with a persistent worldwide terror threat, the Department of Homeland Security may ban “religiously charged” Islamic terms such as “jihad” and “Shariah” from its lexicon to avoid offending Muslims.

Such a move would be counterproductive, according to former DHS officer Philip Haney.

That would be like a doctor diagnosing an ailment that you have and never actually naming what the disease is or what the problem is,” Haney told WND in an interview. “That doesn’t do anyone any good, does it?”

Wow, I can see why this guy is a “‘former” DHS employee. They must have fired him when they found out he was a Nazi. Did he really compare Islam to a “disease”?

smdh 2016.


There are rumors Homeland Security will soon require it’s employees to do the Moslem prayer as well, to better understand and sympathize with the terrorists.

Haney, who recounts his experiences as a DHS whistleblower in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad,” said the government does a disservice to the American people when it refuses to use the word “Shariahh.” He said it’s wrong to assume “Shariah” is a benign term with no bearing on the threats we face; in reality, Shariah is the primary gravitational force around which all Islamic terrorism revolves.

“That’s like saying, ‘We’re going to talk about the solar system, but we’re not going to discuss the sun,’” he explained. “Shariah law is the gravitational force of the global Islamic movement. Just like the sun keeps the planets in orbit, so all these different Islamic groups around the world orbit around the gravitational force of Shariah law.”

Well, the actual gravitational force of the Islamic movement is mostly, in fact, the genetic drives of these desert nomads. Shariah law is just an expression of that genetic inheritance. It’s a set of rules that allow them to thrive in spite of their shortcomings.

Moslem Brotherhood member

These guys would mostly be humping camels in the desert without the restrictions of Shariah.

But overall, this new policy of not using words that may offend terrorists is absolutely insane. Why should we care about offending our enemies?

But that’s the thing. Homeland security doesn’t see Moslems as the enemy. They’re our replacement. The Jew government has the contradictory aims of importing infinity Moslems in the US to speed up the destruction of the white race, while also bombing and destabilizing the whole Middle East to benefit Israel.

This suicidal, neurotic policy is just a result of this Jew confusion. “We shouldn’t offend their religious sensibilities, but it’s okay to bomb them and stage revolutions in their countries.”

carpet bomb

At least we respect their culture lol

In fact, once we have control of our nations, we’ll just leave all those desert peoples to fend for themselves – including Israel.