Homelessness in LA Goes up 16% in a Year

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2019

We are the richest country in the world.

But the Jews and the boomers stole all the money.

So the people are forced to live on the streets at an ever-increasing rate.


In a hard reality check for Los Angeles County’s multibillion-dollar hope of ending homelessness, officials reported Tuesday that the number of people living on the streets, in vehicles and in shelters increased by about 12% over last year.

The annual point-in-time count, delivered to the Board of Supervisors, put the number of homeless people just shy of 59,000 countywide. Within the city of Los Angeles, the number soared to more than 36,000, a 16% increase.

And as in past years, most — about 75% — were living outside, fueling speculation of a growing public health crisis of rats and trash near homeless encampments downtown.

The findings in L.A. follow a string of similarly dire point-in-time counts from across California, as government officials struggle to respond more forcefully to the state’s abject lack of affordable housing. The shortage is driving up rental prices, forcing people onto the streets at a rapid pace.

“At this point of unprecedented wealth in the county of Los Angeles, we are equally confronted with unprecedented poverty manifesting itself in the form of homelessness,” Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas told the Los Angeles Times.

There are 59,000 homeless people in LA county.

There are 36,000 in the city proper alone.

This situation has drastically devolved under the presidency of Donald Kushner – because there are more immigrants than ever and more drugs than ever while there are fewer jobs (at least for Americans) than ever.

There is no other developed country on earth that is dealing with this problem.

It is completely insane, and it is completely unexplained by anyone in power. They are just pretending it isn’t happening.

When was the last time you heard a national politician talk about the homelessness crisis?

They rarely even mention the drug crisis – although they are now forced to mention it occasionally.

And somehow – somehow – Donald Kushner is telling us we need MORE immigrants.

We need the most immigrants ever in history, he says, to work in factories.

We also need Indian “geniuses,” he says, to replace whites in IT.

Our people are living in the streets, they are dying in the streets, and no one ain’t doing nothing about it.

These are the kind of conditions that create revolution.