Aryan Skynet
October 26, 2014
Supporters of a single-gender and queer (does that word include zoophilia?) relationships try to scare normal people with the word homophobia. What does it really mean?
Officially LGBTQ activists claim that it is hatred towards them. And they go very far with that. In England there was this 18 year old faggot who, after getting considerably drunk, tripped and hurt his face. He took a photo afterwards, adding a description to his Facebook update that he was a victim of a homophobic attack. Until the truth came out, he almost became a national hero. From such instances one can understand that homophobia can be real as well as imagined…
According to E. O. Wilson, on the other hand, homophobia is natural and exists due to the fact that non-heterosexual males have higher reproductive success.
Yes. You see, Professor Wilson, the father of sociobiology, managed to dig out some statistics concerning the UK which, to him, proved precisely that. He’s found that while 6% of the population was bisexual, only slightly less than 2% was homosexual. Therefore, he professed, homosexuality is but a side-effect of bisexuality, the latter being a supreme reproductive strategy, leading to more mating and more children at an earlier age – something he also proved by showing that bisexuals have a child before they turn 25 three times more often than heterosexuals. Astonishing!
In effect, Professor Wilson arrived at a conclusion that is much closer to the definition of the word – homophobia meaning fear (and not hate, as some insist) of homosexuals, who are in this case viewed as a subgroup of superior bisexuals – the ones that pose a great threat to the reproductive success of straight men and women.
So how does it work, exactly? Professor Wilson, again, has the answer! Bisexuals engage in relationships and sexual intercourse no matter if there’s a partner of the opposite sex available or not. Thus they provide themselves with the necessary training more often than heterosexuals. This results in boosting of their social skills to a level that no straight person could even dream of. And, in effect, they make better partners, better friends, better lovers, better employees with higher salaries and better people in general – all of which E. O. Wilson naturally proves through his scientific research presented in his book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. How very witty of him.
I’m just amazed every time I read such things that pass as science – and, in this very case, get lauded as timeless brilliance. Because what he wrote – and I took the time to read the whole book – is largely, if not exclusively, de facto his private opinion not based on any strong rational proof whatsoever.
And of course that’s only a single piece in the dazzling puzzle of the homolobbying. You get twisted statistics, as some claim that now over 10% of the European population is gay – that’d be a 5 times more than in the UK during the 70s, when Wilson made his groundbreaking research. Explanation? Naturally, it was always around 10%, just that a lot of faggots feared persecution and intolerance, and now that they’re finally free to come out of the closet, they show up in statistics – big time.
There’s also the endless marches, parades and piquets – which means that a couple hundred faggot activists get a bus to a town in which they do disgusting things like these two guys:

It’s usually the same group, driven around the country when needed. And they get plenty, and I mean plenty of media coverage, which easily makes people think that it is a large and significant movement. Sure it is. It was in the news, right? But when several thousand people protest corruption or whatnot, you may never hear about it – that’s how small and insignificant it is.
Did you check how gay are you lately? Look in the mirror and say – e.g. in a scale from 1 to 10 – how gay are you? Because there’s this utterly ridiculous insistence as to the gay part in all of us. You should be able to tell. Really, it makes as much sense as the ape story.
Ok. After all this pseudo-scientific hog-wash and homolobbying propaganda you deserve to know the real reason for homophobia. Yes, there’s one – it’s not at all irrational. And it’s really quite obvious once you realize it.
Our minds are beautiful and sophisticated machines. But they’re a bit outdated. In fact, they didn’t change much during the last 40,000 years. Our subconscious reacts to most stimuli in the same way it used to during the times of 50-150 people tribal societies, really. That’s why guys who are not alpha in a given environment get approach anxiety when considering to hit on a girl. That’s why a lot of girls (the ones who are not on a pill, at least) get last minute resistance when considering to sleep with a new guy.
A moment of clarity occurs when you consider other issues through the 50-150 people society prism. Most men will naturally disdain weak cry-pussies among them – just because in a tribal society, such individuals would hold little value to the survival and betterment of the whole. You could simplify things even further and say that men respect only other men among them who show masculine characteristics, as these characteristics are there for a reason. If another male isn’t masculine, he’s a threat to society and therefore rightly meets with disapproval. Similarly, if a female, retaining the physical weakness of her sex, chooses to abandon the things that make her valuable and distinct from males in favor of being a lesbian or another grotesque role, she becomes redundant, unnatural and also threatens this small tribal society – she should be shunned upon and cast away in order to restore the health of that tribe.
That, by any means, does not indicate that there were any homosexuals back then. There most probably weren’t, as our natural mating instincs deteriorated only with the advent of civilization. The further away from nature we got, the more inter-breeding and homo-queer things happened. The mechanism described concerns weak individuals in general, not just faggots and lesbos, but since most faggots and lesbos are weak individuals, they get identified as such as a group – and hence homophobia concerns this group, not just single weak individuals.
I think you can agree with me that you react differently to a crying pussy of a male and to an alpha male who could potentially threaten other males’ efforts at attracting and mating with a female. Please tell me which one is it when it comes to faggots… It’s just the same when it comes to heterosexual females and lesbos. For Wilson to suggest otherwise is ridiculous and hardly scientific, even if the academia holds a different opinion – it usually does in such cases, as their “science” has been going hand in hand with the Jewish interests at least since early 90s.

And yes, Jews propelled LGBTQ “movement” to phenomenal heights – but not because they like them so much. It’s because they resent the shit out of the White societies and all of our traditional values. They’ll strongly support anything that can damage and eventually destroy them. LGBTQ, porn, mass immigration, contraceptives, abortion, feminism, marxism – you name it.
Additionally, it is extremely hard to consider homosexuality or bisexuality normal even after you ignore the aforementioned issue. There is a study which shows that up to 40% of pedophiles are homosexual – compared to the reported 2-4% (and again, not 10%, as some claim) of homosexuals that have sexual relationships with adults only. Most of them have other mental sickness as well – up to 80% affective illness, up to 60% anxiety disorder, the list could go on and on. All that, I’m certain, is just because these poor faggots have been persecuted all this time by evil straight people in charge… Otherwise they’re normal people like you and me (*spit*).
LGBTQ lunatics and degenerates will surely claim that since the mechanism is at least 40,000 years old, then we’re the primitive ones and they’re the way of the future. And be that as it may, all the instincs we have are there for a reason – and a good one at that. The ones that didn’t have the right instincs did not survive – perhaps there was a girl 50,000 years ago who didn’t feel instinctive fear when standing on the edge of a cliff. Well, she’s not your ancestor, as she stumbled down and died. You inherited only these instincts that made sure you survived and thrived in a constantly challenging world. The instincts that remain relevant and vital even today, in a world where good and bad is forcibly reversed, you’re the one who will ultimaltely win, as you retain all that has been passed on you by your great and noble ancestral kin, in spite of the venomous propaganda forces down your throat all the time.
Just remember that when you feel like vomiting next time a LGBTQ parade comes to your town…