Homosexual Wetback Marco Rubio Shills for Jewish Kike Spy “Kidnapped” in Iran

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017

The homosexual wetback shill Marco Rubio is up to his old tricks again, shilling for a Jew spy being held in Iran.

Robert Levinson was absolutely spying, and they absolutely know he was spying, so being like, “OMG innocent kike kidnapped, wah” is absurd.

This kike made his bed, now he needs to sleep in it.

Fox News:

The future of U.S. relations with Iran hinges on Tehran coming clean about the whereabouts of a former FBI agent who vanished a decade ago in the Islamic republic, Sen. Marco Rubio told Fox News.

Robert “Bob” Levinson disappeared in 2007 from Iran’s Kish Island, where the retired FBI agent had traveled on an unauthorized mission to recruit an intelligence source for the CIA.
With the exception of a proof-of-life video in late 2010, there has been no credible sighting of Levinson or confirmation of who, specifically, is holding him and why. Iranian leaders deny knowing his whereabouts – a claim U.S. officials categorically reject.

“Bob Levinson went missing because of the Iranian regime,” Rubio, R-Fla., said Friday. “I believe with all my heart they know where he is, they know what’s happened to him and we should hold them completely and entirely responsible for his fate, his whereabouts and the outcome of this.”

Wtf does your heart have to do with it, Marco?

This isn’t some anal relationship with a teenage boy. This is serious government business and you need to leave your heart in your underage boyfriend’s butthole.

Whether they do or don’t know where he is is irrelevant. He shouldn’t have been doing secret missions against a foreign state unless he was ready to be captured and tortured or imprisoned for life or whatever else.

Also, the mission was obviously effectively for Israel, not our country, so why is this my problem?

“It should influence everything we do with Iran moving forward,” Rubio said. “How this case is handled up to this point and from this point forward will in many ways determine U.S. policy towards Iran.”

Rubio, who among several other lawmakers has been closely involved with the case — Levinson is from Coral Springs, Fla. – said it’s not known whether he is still alive but said U.S. officials should be operating as if he is. Levinson’s wife, Christine, told Fox News in April the FBI believes her husband is alive – a theory that, if true, makes Levinson the longest-held hostage in American history.

“I certainly believe that everything we do – whether it’s pressure on Iran, outreach to Iran or working through third parties – should all be predicated on the assumption that he is alive and that his return to his family is still possible,” said Rubio, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Rubio said there were “a lot of missed opportunities in the past” at bringing Levinson home, though he did not fault the previous administration, acknowledging the complexity of a case spanning a decade. He stressed that Iran should face “consequences” if it continues to evade questions about Levinson’s whereabouts.

“What those consequences are, obviously the administration will make a determination,” he said.

Levinson, a father of seven and 20-year veteran of the FBI, traveled to Kish Island on March 8, 2007, on a 24-hour rogue assignment. He was last seen leaving the Hotel Miriam on the island and getting into a taxi for the airport. Iranian state-run television reported at the time that Levinson was in the hands of Iranian security forces – but no group officially claimed responsibility for taking him.

This is a dumb non-story.

I personally hope the Jew is dead, but if he isn’t, I don’t care either way.

Probably, if Tehran had him, they would trade him. Probably, he died in prison because he’s old as hell and they just don’t want to say that because they’ll be accused of killing him.

Little Marco is Gay

Marco Rubio is a homosexualist, and the sickening people of Florida who keep voting for him are complicit in the molestation of teenage boys.

We need to get these weirdos out of the Republican Party, which is now an Alt-Right and White Nationalist party.