Homosexualist Bingo to Replace Traditional Education for 11-Year-Olds

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 12, 2014


Children are to be encouraged to watch out for perverts on TV in order to complete a new sodomite bingo task, which has been created for them with financial help from the Church of England, the NSPCC and Local Councils.

Pupils who do not watch enough sodomy on television will not be able to complete the game and will fail the task.

This is obviously intended to encourage innocent children to seek homosexuals out and to make them feel bad if they do not watch enough of them on TV.

How blatant does this perversity propaganda have to get before parents start doing something about it?

It was only 30 years ago when children were being taught to alert the authorities if they were approached by a ‘stranger,’ now they are being encouraged to search for as many of them as they can find.

Fact. An illegal fact.

Daily Mail:

A bingo-style homework project in which pupils are asked to look out for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters and references in TV shows has been developed by education experts.

The game, proposed by the Sex Education Forum, encourages children as young as 11 to analyse how same-sex relationships are portrayed by the media.

It involves a card with 12 squares to be crossed off, for example if a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender character is shown during an episode of any show.

It is one of a series of teaching resources developed by the forum, which is funded by members including the Church of England, the NSPCC and local councils.

But campaigners last night dubbed it an ‘inappropriate’ homework topic and said it would not be supported by many parents. Norman Wells, director of the Family Education Trust, said the game promoted an ‘unhealthy obsession with sex’.

He added: ‘This activity encourages pupils to focus on sexual characteristics and behaviour to the exclusion of everything else. ‘It also gives disproportionate attention to lifestyles and sexual feelings which are very much in the minority.’

The forum has launched the game in the latest edition of its termly e-magazine for teachers, which focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues.

In a section on Key Stage Three (ages 11 to 14), it recommends ‘media bingo’ as a homework activity, using a card with 12 squares.

These are: straight women visible; lesbians visible; bisexual women visible; straight men visible; gay men visible; bisexual men visible; trans men visible; trans women visible; bisexual people talked about; trans people talked about; same-sex relationships talked about; opposite-sex relationships talked about’.

The magazine says: ‘Ask pupils to pick a programme and see if they can cross any of the items off the bingo card in one episode.

‘When pupils bring their bingo cards back ask them if anyone got a full card. Did anyone get only one box?


God help us all.