Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2015

The horrible rat bastard and King of the Jews Bibi Netanyahu is presently inside our base, preparing to give orders to our government. The stupid monkey who is supposed to rule over us was incapable of stopping the rat from hijacking our entire system to use for his deviant Jew purposes.
In fact, now that he is here, Obongo and his minions are prostrating before his Jewness, attempting to “make amends” for Bibi having openly declared authority to rule our country by direct dictate and decree.
Here’s the analogy, folks:
A houseguest living in your garage calls up a rapist and asks him to come rape your wife in front of you. You protest and say “hey, I don’t want that rapist in my house raping my wife – wtf are you calling him up to do that for?” Then the rapist is like “you can’t stop me, your houseguest invited me, I’ll be coming soon to rape your wife.” Then when he shows up you say “no, it’s cool man, there was just some confusion. Go ahead and stick it to my wife.”
The United States and Israel showed signs of seeking to defuse tensions on Sunday ahead of a speech in Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he will warn against a possible nuclear deal with Iran.
Policy differences over the negotiations with Iran remained firm, however, as Netanyahu arrived in the United States on Sunday afternoon for a speech to Congress, which has imperiled ties between the two allies.
Israel fears that U.S. President Barack Obama’s Iran diplomacy, with an end-of-March deadline for a framework accord, will allow its archfoe to develop atomic weapons, something Tehran denies seeking.
By accepting an invitation from the Republican Party to address Congress on Tuesday, the Israeli leader infuriated the Obama administration, which said it was not told of the speech before plans were made public in an apparent breach of protocol.
A senior Israeli official told reporters on Netanyahu’s flight that Congress could be “the last brake” for stopping a nuclear deal with Iran.
Saying it was Israel’s impression that members of Congress “do not necessarily know the details of the deal coming together, which we do not see as a good deal,” the official said Netanyahu in his speech would give a detailed explanation of his objections to an Iran deal.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reiterated Washington’s determination to pursue negotiations with Iran, saying on Sunday the United States deserved “the benefit of the doubt” to see if a nuclear deal could be reached.
Last week, Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, said the partisanship caused by Netanyahu’s looming address was “destructive to the fabric of U.S.-Israeli ties”.
Asked about this on the ABC program “This Week”, Kerry said: “The prime minister of Israel is welcome to speak in the United States, obviously. And we have a closer relationship with Israel right now in terms of security than at any time in history.”
He said he talked to Netanyahu on Saturday, adding: “We don’t want to see this turned into some great political football.” Israel and the United States agreed that the main goal was to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, he said.
The senior Israeli official said the Netanyahu-Kerry conversation “shows the relationship continues.”
The Israeli prime minister, who is running for re-election in a March 17 ballot, has framed his visit as being above politics and he portrayed himself as being a guardian for all Jews.
“I’m going to Washington on a fateful, even historic, mission,” he said as he boarded his plane in Tel Aviv. “I feel that I am an emissary of all Israel’s citizens, even those who do not agree with me, and of the entire Jewish people,” he told reporters.
Netanyahu does indeed appear to represent all Jews. He just represents a core aspect of Jewry a lot of Euro and American Jews don’t want to admit to possessing: psychotic paranoia.
There is literally no benefit to Jews in going to war with Iran, save for those Jews involved in the arms trade (who are obviously not the main Jews Netanyahu is representing when he says he speaks for all Jews).

With the Iraq war, it was less obvious to the public that Israel was the driving force behind it. Though many of the Neocon Jew planners were dual-citizens, the figureheads – Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell – were all non-Jews, and the government of Israel itself was not directly demanding the war and making a gigantic spectacle of it.
This time, the whole world will know, beyond any doubt, that the US government – Jews in the US government, even – were actively trying to prevent war, and it was caused by Israeli pressure. As this will be the biggest war since WWII – Iran is not Iraq, they have a real army – this will make Jews even less popular than they presently are, and will probably lead to actual pogroms.
On the flip-side of this, Iran does not pose an actual threat. Even the Mossad has admitted that they are not attempting to build a nuclear weapon.

This insane push for a massive war, which would obviously escalate to a global scale, is yet more proof that the collective mind of the Jew race is breaking down. They are losing control of their own thought and behavior patterns, and if they are not stopped, they will destroy the earth entirely.
The even crazier part here is that the Republicans are going along with these Jews, like “yeah, we need to start a war with Iran to protect you from a non-threatening country.”
It’s the Twilight Zone.