Daily Stormer
February 19, 2014
!["Pay no attention to my rat-face and satanic, beady Jew eyes, gojim, and note this American flag behind me. I am one of you, goyim. A patriotonic Americano. Now listen, we must act decisively, because it is real in my mind." -Jew Overlord Eric Kantor on the need to immediately destroy Iran](/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Eric-Kantor.jpg)
The uber-Jew rodent and Republican House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, is calling for the total annihilation of the enemy of his race, Iran, citing this is necessary because death camps are real in his mind.
From Antiwar:
“Standing there as the frigid wind swept through the eerily quiet ruins of the camp, I could not help but regret that American action in World War II came too late,” Cantor said of his recent trip to Auschwitz. The lesson, he insisted, was for America to act quickly and aggressively.
Which then immediately became all about Iran, as things tend to. Cantor declared Iran’s nuclear program one of the “more destabilizing moments in world history” and urged the US to take a much more aggressive stance, pushing new sanctions and eschewing talks in favor of stopping the “evil and hateful” Iranians.
It is important to understand what the Jew means when he says “muh holocaust.”
This expression indicates a Jew’s expression when he is confronted with the truth. When confronted by the truth or called out for what he is, the Jew will cry out “muh holocaust!” This is usually followed by pointing out that 6,000,000 Jews died at the hands of Hitler and recalling how he or she is a survivor of the death camps because it was real in their minds.
Though the Jew generally tends to use it for defensive purposes, he has increasingly started uttering the phrase for offensive purposes, such as demanding certain countries be invaded by the United States because said country’s nuclear and ballistic capacities are real in their minds.
![Whether or not the Holocaust happened, or is even physically possible, is not the question. The question is: was it real in their minds? The answer being yes.](/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Holocaust-real-in-my-mind.png)