How Many White Girls Have Just Been Spirited Away?

Melodious Ocean
May 16, 2014

In 2011 it was reported in the news that Jessie Bender had disappeared.

In 2011 a bizarre story hit the international headlines. It began along a morbid line we know so well, a 13 year old American girl, Jessie Bender, had been lured away from home by a mysterious older, male Facebook friend; ‘grave concerns’ were held for her safety.

Finally an uncle led police to the hotel Jessie was holed up in.  There was no sinister Facebook friend, and the real reason for her sudden and mysterious disappearance was revealed.  Jessie was being forced into an arranged marriage in her stepfather’s native Pakistan and had fled her home to avoid the union.

The West is already aware that segments of its immigrant community frequently take their daughters to their homelands to marry them off to total strangers at a ridiculously young age.  An underage girl of ‘white parentage’ being taken to her stepfather’s homeland to be forcibly married off to a total stranger was new.

In our modern multicultural age there are probably other Jessie Benders who were whisked away at an age where they were too young to protest or escape and silently slipped off the radar. (Luckily for Jessie Bender, the plucky teen had a dependable relative she could flee to for support.)  She is just the first one that the public became of aware of via the media because she managed to dramatically foil her parent’s plans.

Over 100 years ago Australian authorities had a similar dilemma.  A little white girl, who was about eight or nine years old by the name of Leon Tene Adell had been spirited out of Australia by her Pakistani stepfather, Nawab (Noab) Khan.  Khan took Leon to the village of Lakoori in his native Pakistan in August of 1908.   Khan returned to Australia once he delivered Leon to his brother Gabib Khan, instructing him to convert her to Islam and raise her as a Muslim.

The authorities and public were furious at Leon Adell’s removal to an alien culture and country, which held women in disdain.  They were concerned about the squalor and poverty she lived in amongst Khan’s low-caste relatives and the neglect of her education.  A newspaper journalist declaring, “Now it, is clear that this child was spirited away with the deliberate intent of changing her from an Australian into an Asiatic.” Pg 9

Jessie Bender’s ‘parents’.

An observer sent by the authorities to Lakoori in 1910 noted “The child Leon Adell now talks Hindustani, and no distinction is made between her and the children of Gabib Khan…”. The observer goes on to note “There is no suspicion that the child Leon Adell is ill-treated..”. pg9

So concerned about the case of Leon Tene Adell that the government of the day created a bill to prevent other white children being removed by their Afghan or Asiatic stepfathers to foreign and alien lands.   The Bill is as follows:

(1) Whoever, not being of any European race, takes any child under the age of sixteen years, whose parents are or were of any European race, out of Australia without the written consent of the Minister or of an authorised officer, shall be guilty of an indictable offence. Penalty: Two years imprisonment.

(2) Any member of the police force of the Commonwealth or of a State, who has reasonable ground to believe that any child on board any vessel is in charge of a person not being of any European race and is about to be taken out of Australia in contravention of this section, may require that person to produce the consent of the Minister or authorised officer and if that person fails to do so, may remove the child from the vessel, and deliver it into the charge of any Commonwealth or State Department authorised to take charge of children or into the charge of any person or institution approved by the Minister.

After the last newspaper report about her in 1910 screeched out that she was “Shamefully Sacrificed” Leon Adell slips off the radar, her fate unknown. It can only be assumed that the authorities had no power to forcibly remove her from Gabib Khan’s house, as they had wanted.

Back in 1910 the authorities asked themselves, how many other Leon Adell’s are there, and how can we stop there being more?  Has anyone asked how many Jessie Bender’s there are, and how we can stop there being more?

Multiculturalism’s Child Brides, by Mark Durie, 26th February 2014

Police quiz Pakistani stepfather of missing California girl, 13, who fled her home in terror ‘to avoid arranged marriage’ by David Gardner, 3rd March 2011

Khan, The Kidnapper – A White Child Shamefully Sacrificed, 25th September 1910, pg9

She had run away to avoid being married off to another race by her Non-White stepfather, seen here on the left. Her negligent mother is seen here on the right. A possible husband to be is in the middle.