Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2015
There has been some debate as to what the appropriate position to take on the Charleston shooting is.
While I will not apologize for something which had nothing to do with me, I am opposed to the actions based on principle.
I have always been opposed to non-defensive violence, and there is nothing more bizarre than shooting a bunch of women in a church. If Roof had done some type of Charles Bronson Death Wish vigilante action against actual criminals on the street (which could have been done using the exact same amount of effort), we would be having a different conversation. The people he attacked were by far the least threatening members of the Black community.
If the act was meant to be symbolic, then what was it meant to symbolize?
What could possibly be the reasoning or justification for this act?

I am not condemning these actions out of a desire to not be linked to them. The SPLC is already blaming me for this, saying Roof was a commenter on the site. Obviously they are going to blame our ideology. There is no way of avoiding that. But my own ideology does not have anything to do with shooting up a church. If faceless internet posters using proxies from unknown locations believe that makes me a coward, I am comfortable with that.
Anonymous persons pushing the idea that one of the only people in this movement willing to use his real name and face to promote this type of information is a “coward” because they are against shooting old women in a church very much looks like a Jewish attempt to try to push confused people into promoting this type of thing.
If this shooting did have something to do with our ideology, he would have chosen an actual enemy target. These Black he shot did not even have criminal records, which is something the majority of Blacks have. As such, I don’t accept that it had anything to do with our ideology, and if he wouldn’t have killed people with race war as the stated reason, he would have killed people for some other stated reason.
Roof’s Black friend says that he wasn’t even a racist.
Having said this, I agree with those saying we should not respond to the media defensively. Pointing out that we had nothing to do with it is simply a statement of fact. I have reported on this story as I would any other story – by giving the real truth of the matter. The truth, in this situation, is that this shooting relates to the mental state and drug use of the shooter.
What this shooting really does is give us the opportunity to point out the fact that Blacks commit exponentially more crime against us than we do to them, and the obviousness of this is clearly why the media is allowing this story to drop out of the news cycle so quickly.