How to be a Nigger on Twitter

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2016


Apparently in relation to #Pizzagate, both Jared Wyand and Daily Stormer’s own weev, were been banned from Twitter this week.

Wyand had 125k followers, one of the most popular GOP pundits on the site, and weev’s account has been a staple of the site nearly since it began.

The latter gave this statement on his banishment:

After years of shitlording, I started talking about pizzagate on Twitter and was promptly banned. It is my biggest audience and I never broke Twitter’s rules.

They are in a complete panic over this Pizzagate thing. It is real. It is all real. We are ruled by pedosatanist kikes.

This comes after the prime leader of the Neo-Nazi movement, Richard Spencer, was banned several weeks ago, along with many others.

this hook-nosed son of a bitch is shutting down trolls jewAnd so today, our revolution against Twitter begins.

We shall have our revenge.

We shall become niggers.

And we shall bring the entire system to its knees.

For those who don’t remember, I famously did this on a smaller scale during the Mizzou fiasco, which resulted in my permanent banning from twitter. And I can tell you – it’s not hard.

The Plan

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that my trolls have on-hand approximately 1000 fake black person accounts, which are going live in the biggest trollstorm Twitter has ever seen. These accounts are up to two years old, with updated tweet histories which have been filled in meticulously.

Today they will begin the operation to bring down #blacktwitter.

And we need your help.


The primary goal is revenge on Twitter for having launched this attack on free speech, and specifically on the Alt-Right (and even more specifically on #Pizzagate), by creating a massive spectacle and putting stress on their systems.

We wish to create a state of chaos on twitter, among the black twitter population, by sowing distrust and suspicion, causing blacks to panic. This will create a serious problem for twitter, as blacks make up a large percentage of their userbase, and the way they handle it – and they will handle it poorly – will cause a media spectacle.

As a secondary goal, the chaos will effect the Black Lives Matter movement, which uses twitter as its primary platform. Activists will no longer be able to operate without being constantly suspicious that blacks responding to them are fake accounts.

It does not matter if the chaos state remains indefinitely, causing blacks to leave, or if they start trying to ban the fake black accounts. Because if they try to ban fake black accounts, they are going to end up banning real black accounts, which will bring a level of chaos to the site beyond what we’re able to create with agitation.

As always, we also want to have a lot of fun.

As I always say: it’s not our revolution if we can’t lol.


Think of this like an RPG game, where you are becoming a character and playing it.

Making the Account

Hopefully, you already have multiple fake black person accounts on twitter. If you do not, go ahead an make several.


You can use your own or create a fake temporary one with Yandex or something else.


Decide whether you want to be male or female. Female is easier, in terms of trolling, though it might be a hard character to play.

If you’re not feeling creative, you can just use a standard name like “Shay,” “Malita,” “Jay” or “Mike.” You can also just make up random stuff like “Jinky Slip,” “Flex Fist” or “Goldie T.” You can also use a funny black name like “D’Arnell” or “Shanika.”


Basically for the profile, you just find a photo from another account, or something random from google images with a black face, and flip it around in an image editing program so that it won’t appear on a Google reverse image search.

So this:


Becomes this:


You can also crop a photo down to a person’s face from a group photo, which will make it not appear on reverse image search.

So this image:


Can become this profile pic:


If you are a female, you want it to be an “attractive” light-skinned one. This will definitely up your power level significantly.

If you’re lazy or don’t know how to edit photos, you can just use a picture of a famous black musician or sports star. Or get someone from the forum to help you.

For the background, just put a picture of huge female buttocks, a gun or an expensive pair of Nike tennis shoes.


Chaos is the name of the game.

So basically, you just want to cause blacks to freak out and argue with each other nonstop.

Here are some basic suggestions of how to accomplish that.

Preliminary notes, based on my research into black twitter:

  • Most of them are using twitter on their phones, so spelling is often autocorrected. However, homophones are often used (“no” instead of “know”) as well as abbreviations and texting slang recognized by phone spell-checkers (“u” instead of “you,” “n” instead of “and”).
  • They use a lot of emoticons.
  • They do not use much punctuation
  • They mainly follow whichever hashtag is trending, and there is always a black or black-related hashtag to jump on.

The basic concept is to start arguments.

It is very, very simple to get blacks to engage you in a twitter argument and once it starts, others will immediately join in. You want random black people to be arguing with each other, so you always want to pick a side, rather than being on your own side.

When other blacks show up in the argument you’ve started with a random black, you can follow someone, and this will give them ego, make them feel they should be on your side. After you click “follow” on their account, say something implying that the person who you followed agrees with you – “Tyrone already know all this.”

This will also get more blacks following you, and you’ll be able to check their feeds and jump in and start chaos.

Remember that none of the arguments have to make any sense. They will go along with it either way. That is just what they do.

Also note that you can intensify arguments by changing your position in the middle.

Attack Formations

Always claim that you know people in real life. Blacks are not really capable of grasping the concept of the internet as a worldwide platform, as they cannot grasp the concept that anything exists beyond their own sphere. So you can easily say “nigga I no u,” and they will believe it. You can also reinforce this by using random names of made-up shared acquaintances.


  • Bitch I seen you out there everyday. You think I ain’t know who the fuck you is? You got me fucked up.
  • I’ll catch you on the block, nikka. You no I be out there everyday.
  • I seen you nigga n I be seeing you again soon.
  • Your boy Mike said to me all you was up to.
  • You best come get your boy he out there on the block wiling out.

Start sex-related drama. All sex related drama works. A good one is to accuse black men of being secretly gay. You can also accuse a black man of having sex with white women in front of a black woman (they are very sensitive about this). If your character is a black woman, you can tell another black woman you are having sex with her boyfriend. As a black male can tell black men you are sleeping with their girlfriends. You could also make one of your black characters a homosexual, and tell black people’s friends you had gay sex with them.


  • Nigga you fucking gay we know you suck that dick in jail now you suck it on the street.
  • Bitch you best come get your man he be at my house every damn day trying to get up in this pussy
  • Yo your man be fucking around on your ass hoe.
  • Your shawty done sucked my dick good last night bitch you a fucking faggot I fucked your bitch
  • Yo bitch why ppl telling me you be fuckin round on ur man?

Make them believe you have information about their drug deals and drug stashes. Stereotypes are all generally true, and the stereotype of blacks doing and selling drugs is one of them. By talking to random blacks on twitter about their drugs, you can cause them to panic. You can also imply that people they know are snitches, or that they are snitches. If they are one of the very few blacks that doesn’t do/sell drugs, it won’t matter, because they will still feel a need to engage you.


  • Bitch you think you be moving large but you got no fucking clue how we do in [name of city]
  • Yo you best tell your bitch to keep her mouth shut about your stash nikka
  • Nigga you best watch your ass out there cuz ur boys is snitch.
  • You snitching again nigga we already heard out there
  • Bitch you locked up now you snitching on niggas smdh

Claim that you heard their mixtape and it sucked. Another true stereotype is that black males are all “aspiring rappers.” You can bring up their mixtape and they will think you know them. Even if they don’t have a mixtape, they will still become angry because you said something they did sucked.


  • Hey nigga I heard your tape that shit was whack af
  • Bitch who produce ur shit this shit sucks i finna lay it down
  • Nigga your track is whack you aint even know how we do out here in [name of city].
  • Bitch you best give up on that rap game start slanging crack again
  • Yo bruh I rime better than u in my sleep

Create fake DM messages between you and the target. You can use this website for that. Or this one for fake iPhone texts. Just insert the target’s name and avatar, get the screenshot and post it publicly. You can use this with sex drama (man asked you for sex/gay sex), or make it so someone was telling you about someone else. After you start an argument, this can be very helpful. Just be like “nigga you told me so,” then create a fake DM and post it.

Accuse them of being Neo-Nazis using fake accounts. This is the clincher, the key to our whole operation. We will use the fake accounts to accuse blacks of having fake accounts. The blacks will then accuse each other of having fake accounts and start reporting each other.


  • Yo this nigga account fake he a white supremacist
  • Another fake account flag that shit
  • Daily stormer fake white fuck account flag it
  • Bitch you say you know me I ain’t never seen your ass before you fake
  • he alt-right fake account again

You can link them to this article, or link them to one of the mainstream media articles that were written after I talked about this a few weeks ago:

Here are some easy screenshots:


And of course there is no reason to limit yourself to this. Get into it and be creative.

Side note: You can also use these accounts to harass white people by calling them racist. Of course, there is no reason to do that to actual racists. Instead, do it to anti-racists. They will literally bow down before you.

Side note 2: If you want to risk having one of your accounts banned, you can try to inform blacks about #Pizzagate and get it meming on black twitter. I might elaborate on this in the future. It couldn’t be bad to have them spreading this for us.

Common Black Twitter Slang

Firstly, I should note that “Nikka” is being used almost as often as “nigga.” It is a standard way they refer to each other.

  • Ma – my
  • B – be
  • U – you
  • Ur – your, you’re
  • Yo – your
  • Dat – that
  • Wit – with
  • Af – as fuck
  • Durty – “dirty” (sexualized)
  • Finna – “fitting to” (getting ready to, going to, planning to)
  • Tryna – trying to
  • Shook – shocked
  • Shawty, bae – girl, girlfriend
  • Crib – house

And as I say, pretty much any normal American text slang they use (ppl and so on).

Example Accounts

Some of these are real and some of them are fake, I’m obviously not going to say which are which. But this is how it’s done. Check a few of them and get an idea how they tweet if you’re not familiar. You need some skills going into this.

You can also use these links to click through and find black targets to troll with your new accounts.











Multiplayer Mode

You can play the nigger twitter game with friends from the forum. I’m sure there will be threads about it in our secret forum, but you can also send people private messages on the forum, then invite others to come join the private thread. That way you can organize troll assaults together. A good method for this is to show up somewhere and start arguing with each other (using the type of stuff I outlined above) and then start bringing real black people into the argument.

Also, if you need help with this, there are people on the forum that can show you the ropes. Just respond to this thread with a request to be invited to a private thread, and someone should invite you.

You can also use multiple accounts to argue with each other and get real blacks involved.

Note that you should never interact with normal Alt-Right accounts, as that is how you get caught and get your account deleted.

Don’t Let Up

I know once you get into it, you’re not going to be able to quit doing this. It is so, so much fun. I’ve spent some time doing it recently, teaching some people who to do it, and I had to stop for a while because I was getting too addicted to it. It is seriously funner than any video game.

The plan is to just keep this up indefinitely. Just keep going with it.

We will make history.


Hail Victory, nigga.