Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2015
This whole Clock Boy thing has really gotten to me.
It really shows the depths to which we have sank, I think.
I mean, it was obvious that Clock Boy was purposefully trying to incite a panic when he brought this unscrewed-clock-in-a-box to school. He thought it was funny, and knew he was going to get in trouble. Maybe didn’t know he was going to get arrested, but surely attempting to incite a bomb panic at a school is an arrest-worthy offense.
It is actually an imprisonable offense.

All of this could have been easily ascertained in a matter of hours. From the original pictures of the clock, it was obvious he didn’t actually build the circuitry itself.

But then the media rallies around him, there is a massive #IStandWithAhmed Twitter campaign saying it was racist to arrest him for bringing a fake bomb to school – and then also claiming that he was a genius who invented a new type of clock!
This is all completely insane.
Then it gets more insane.
Barack Obama invites him to the White House because he committed a bomb hoax.
Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.
— President Obama (@POTUS) September 16, 2015
“If I had a son, he would unscrew a clock and put it inside a box to make it look like a bomb and bring it to school and display it threateningly and then when he was arrested for staging a bomb hoax he would claim to be both a victim of racism and a genius who invented a new type of clock.”
Obama has not apologized, or retracted his invitation to the White House.
Clock Boy was also invited to MIT by some Jew.
As far as I’m aware, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (who we’ve covered on DS before) has not retracted her invitation, or admitted that this little brat did not “invent a new type of clock.”
And what is the most insane is that even after it is now released exactly how he did it – here’s that video again
There are still people defending him and saying he invented a new form of clock!
All of these news outlets are defending him!
Continuing the hoax, when we know FOR A FACT that he did not “invent a new type of clock.”
The Daily Beast is literally calling it a “conspiracy theory” to say he didn’t invent a clock!

It is all so mind-numbing, to live inside of a world where this sort of thing takes place, and where you can see it taking place.
Most people, you know, cannot see it taking place. They think it is all real.
Those of you reading this can rest assured – you are the elite of the elite.
The vast majority of the White Western World is still praising Clock Boy as both a victim and a genius.