Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2014

The reality is that every White person is labelled a racist, while every non-White is labelled a victim. This is due to the actual inequality which exists.
However, instead of identifying the cause of the inequality – which is obviously race itself, the genetic heritage of the different groups – we create the fantasy that this somehow happened because White people are bad, and tricked the non-Whites somehow, for no clear reason.
The fantasy is easy enough for any child to see – Whites live in houses because they built them, Africans live in huts because they built them – but a complex and ubiquitous stream of brainwashing has convinced us otherwise.
In particular, women have accepted this ideal – because the idea of “everything is equal, by nature” has obvious benefits for them as well – and many weak men have gone along with it because they thought it would get them laid. In fact, even if parroting this gibberish does get a girl to lie with them, the woman simply takes a dominant position over them, based on the ideology of equality itself, which demand that that with the most natural power serve that with the least natural power.
It is an inversion of the natural order itself, and is clearly a Jewish strategy for collapsing society completely in the most direct fashion.
I also think Family Guy is both bad for society and completely unfunny. However, this photoshopped image really gets the point across.