How Trump Can Solve The ‘Chicago Question’

Markos Power
Purpose to Power
January 13, 2017

Political victories build political capital. With political capital, you can achieve more of what you want, without having to give much of anything up to get it. There is a lot that is expected from a Trump Presidency, including building a wall and ending ‘birthright’ citizenship.

By getting early political victories, this will help Trump on his path to ‘Make America Great Again.’ With that said, I believe Trump can score a major political victory in Chicago by implementing the following recommendations.

Chicago, also known as ‘Chiraq‘, has made national headlines the past few years for being the murder capital of the United States. There were 762 murders reported by the Chicago Police in 2016. Almost all of these have been committed by black criminals against black victims (black on black crime).

Chicago is the poster child of the growing problem that is dubbed “inner city violence” in America, but in actuality it is mainly concentrated in Democrat run cities with a large black population.

It is a problem that has only growth since Barrack “the racial healer” Obama got into office.

One of the reasons for the high murder rate is that Chicago is a major destination for drug storage and distribution (a wall would help stop the drugs from coming in). Another reason is that police officers, specifically White police officers, do not want to be the next Darren Wilson. For those that don’t remember, Darren Wilson is the Ferguson police officer who was violently attacked by Mike Brown, and was forced to shoot him in self defense.

The Corporate Media put Officer Wilson’s face all over the news, lied about what happened, and made him out to be just an evil White racist who shot an innocent black man ( Officer Wilson was found not guilty on all charges). This has had such an effect, that in October a female Chicago Police Officer received a brutal beating by a violent black criminal specifically because she did not want her face to be all over the T.V.

Chicago’s major issues and challenges are:

  • High violent crime, specifically murder
  • Crime primarily perpetrated in black neighborhoods; black criminals and black victims
  • Chicago Police Officers do not want to be metaphorically crucified on National T.V., so they do not patrol black neighborhoods
  • Chicago is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Drug Hub in the U.S.

How Trump Can Solve These Problems And Score a Major Political Victory

While these problems have been around for awhile, they are all solvable problems; the Democrats under Obama have simply refused to actually address the problems in order to solve them.

But Trump can. This is how he can solve the ‘Chicago Question’.

Meet With Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel And Give Him Terms

Emanuel is a true Political Democrat and was once Obama’s Chief of Staff before he ran for mayor. This whole ‘Chicago Question’ has been hanging over his head for years, and will hurt him in his 2019 re-election campaign, and he knows it. The kidnapping and torture of a young White man by 4 blacks from Chicago will not help his cause either.

But, the thing about Emanuel is that his a true politician. He will do whatever it takes to stay in office; thus keeping his power. And knowing this, Trump can make him an offer he can’t refuse.

Trump’s Terms:

  • Allow Trump to bring in the Feds: Let the Federal Government assist the Chicago Police Department. Let Trump bring in the Federal Guard to help secure these neighborhoods in order to arrest known criminals, and help protect the neighborhoods from crime.
  • End Sanctuary Status of Chicago: Rahm must play ball with Trump and allow the Feds to go through and deport violent Illegal criminals in Chicago. No more signalling that Chicago will remain a safe haven for people in the United States illegally.
  • Allow Police to do their job without fear of the National (Corporate) Media: Trump can take the lead on this. Police will no longer be insulted and attacked by a President of the United States for doing their job, and have the full support from the City of Chicago.

If Emanuel accepts these terms, the crime rate and murder rate in Chicago will drop. The city will be seen as ‘cleaned up’, and now a much safer city than before. This will not only make the city safer, but also bring in more revenue as fewer potential tourists will be scared off from visiting Chicago.

The Department of Justice will no longer investigate every single police shooting of an African American, as is currently the practice in order to supplicate to the race baiting Corporate Media. This will strengthen moral for the Chicago Police Department, and in turn, support for Emanuel.

Trump will be able to say “Look, I stopped the ridiculous murder rate in Chicago, but I had great help from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. We worked together on this, and without his help we couldn’t have gotten this done.”

This would go a long way to secure Emanuel’s 2019 Mayoral run. Trump would share the victory with Emanuel; it’s a win/win for both parties.

Now, if Rahm Emanuel refuses to play ball, Trump can try to force him to comply.

If terms are refused:

  • Bring in the Department of Justice: Let’s face it, Chicago is the most corrupt city in the United States. If the political will was there, I am sure that some sort of dirty dealing could be found on Emanuel. I am sure the D.O.J. could tie Emanuel to the many corrupt dealings of Michael Madigan, the longest serving House speaker in U.S. history and the ‘de facto’ boss of Illinois
  • Investigate Emanuel’s use of a private server. Emanuel has been tied to the WikiLeaks emails and there is some evidence that Emanuel has used a private server in the past. Emanuel is currently being sued by the Chicago Tribune over private emails
  • Cut Off Chicago from Federal Funds and Do Whatever is Necessary to Force the City into compliance. The Federal Government has many ways to cut off funds and generally make it very unpleasant for cities that do not comply with Federal law. If Emanuel doesn’t play ball with Trump in regards to deporting Illegals, he can make Emanuel’s life very unpleasant as mayor

Solving The Chicago Question Is A Major Political Victory

If and when Trump solves this problem, he can score numerous political points. Trump can claim that he:

  1. Stopped the murder epidemic in Chicago
  2. Forced a sanctuary city to comply, and that he deported many violent Illegal immigrants
  3. By solving the above 2 points, he made the inner cities safer and did a great service to the African American community by making their communities safer (something the Democrats have failed to do)
  4. Is competent, knows what he is doing, and can get things done
  5. Is truly in charge; you either fall in line or you will be metaphorically destroyed

The issues facing Chicago can be solved fairly quickly, compared to others, if Trump can enact the above. He will gain political capital (credibility), which will help him institute other policies where he will face greater opposition (such as ending the granting of citizenship to anchor babies. Citizenship= access to everything our ancestors have build up and paid into up till this point).

I expect great victories out of Trump, as many of the problems our country faces are 100% solvable. As I mentioned above, these problems haven’t been solved because their hasn’t been a political will to solve them.

The Democrats didn’t want to solve Illegal Immigration as Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and thus the Democrats don’t want to stop the flow of future voters from coming into the United States. Republicans didn’t want to solve Illegal immigration either, as many of their Corporate backers use the cheap Illegal labor to increase their profit margins.

The Democrats also benefited from the high crime rates and police interactions, as they could race bait, and thus gain increased support from the black community. Republicans, to a smaller degree, also benefited as many of their Corporate backers sold military grade equipment to police departments nation wide.

This is why Trump won.

We are sick of the inaction from both the Democrats and Republicans. We want an America that looks out in our best interests. This is why Nationalism, and not Globalism, is the future.

All problems can be solved one way or another. We just need to be willing to solve them.