Huawei Demands the West Provide Evidence That Their Products are a Security Risk

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2018

So look, we’ve known since 2013 with the Edward Snowden disclosures that the NSA records everything we send online and saves it in a database.

We know from subsequent disclosures that the CIA does the same thing, and that these operations have not stopped.

So I’m sorry if I don’t go into a moral panic when told that China is going to spy on me with a phone. In all honesty, most people would probably rather be spied on by the Chinese than the US government, because there is no reason that the Chinese would care what they’re doing.

This whole “Huawei spying” drama is just about the US doing the dirty work of Apple and Samsung, because Huawei is now the biggest cellphone manufacturer in the world, and they’re not selling their phones for twice what they should cost.

Furthermore, there isn’t even any actual evidence that they’re doing this.


The chairman of Huawei called on the United States, Australia and other governments on Tuesday to provide evidence to back up claims the Chinese tech giant is a security risk as it launched a public relations effort to defuse fears that threaten its role in next-generation communications.

Accusations against the biggest global supplier of network gear stem from “ideology and geopolitics,” Ken Hu said. He warned excluding Huawei from the rollout of fifth-generation telecoms would raise costs and hamper innovation.

Hu talked to American, European and Asian reporters who were invited to Huawei headquarters in southern China as part of efforts to tamp down concerns the company says are unfounded.

If governments have evidence, “it should be made known,” Hu said, adding that governments don’t have to disclose information publicly but at least should show phone companies that will be blocked from using Huawei technology.

Australia and New Zealand have blocked use of Huawei technology in 5G networks. The U.S. and Taiwan also restrict use of Huawei products. Japan’s cybersecurity agency says suppliers including Huawei that are considered high-risk will be excluded from government procurement.

No government has released evidence of wrongdoing by Huawei, but the accusations threaten its ability to compete in a sensitive field as carriers prepare to invest billions of dollars.

Huawei, founded in 1987 by a former military engineer, is China’s first global tech brand and a national champion at the head of an industry Beijing is promoting as part of efforts to transform the country into a technology creator.

That puts Huawei at the heart of strains over the ruling Communist Party’s technology aspirations, competition with Western economies and ties between companies and government, including possibly spying.

Huawei has been working on 5G since 2009 and is one of the major suppliers of the technology, along with Sweden’s LM Ericsson and Finland’s Nokia Corp. The company whose technology winds up being adopted stands to reap billions of dollars from sales and license fees.

And Huawei’s technology is probably better.

They seem to have the jump on everyone at this point, which is one reason why their CFO was kidnapped by those Canadian bastards.