Stuff Black People Don’t Like
July 31, 2015
Do you remember your Jeremiah 22:10?:
Do not weep for the dead king or mourn his loss; rather, weep bitterly for him who is exiled, because he will never return nor see his native land again.
When you consider the evil of Section 8 Vouchers (look no further then the destruction of Ferguson, Missouri) and the truly sinister Affirmatively Further Fair Housing plan of HUD – which turns black and brown people into biological weapons to destroy the social capital found in all-white communities – one can easily understand the fatuous nature of the Planned Parenthood uproar.
There is something utterly horrifying about abortion, but there’s something fundamentally treasonous about deliberating transporting living bipeds into communities for the sole purpose of undermining the quality of life there.
And this is what HUD has done for decades and will only enhance via AFFH…
How many unborn are there because a white father had to commute two hours everyday (10 hours a week/ 40 hours a month/ 480 hours a year) and didn’t get to spend time with his wife, the stress of constantly searching for a peaceful place to raise kids – and the Holy Grail of a “good school” – free of the nefarious influence of black pupils?
Worse, how many marriages ended because of this strain?
Sorry, the first government-funded organization to be defunded should be HUD, which has done far more damage to the nation then Planned Parenthood; and, with AFFH, the damage HUD has in mind to do to living white people is far more insidious than any action by Planned Parenthood.