Huffington Post Calls for Daily Stormer to be Censored on Google

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 19, 2016


The collective Jew response to the Trump coup can be summarized as “QUICK – JUST TRY ANYTHING!”

Following that model, The Huffington Post has published an article by influential nonsense-monger Jeff Jarvis complaining about “fake news.”

“Fake news” has been introduced as a buzzword over the last week and a half, being blamed for Trump’s win. The theory is that made-up news stories, spread on Facebook in particular, helped deliver victory to Trump. There is no evidence for this theory, but they just keep saying it.

In the article entitled “A Call for Cooperation Against Fake News,” Jarvis argues that fake news is a plague that has to be stamped out in order to ensure the survival of democracy, and that it is up to tech companies to take action against it.

Jarvis gives a list of 15 things top tech companies can do to help force a left-wing agenda on the people.

Number 8 is aimed at the Daily stormer:

Recognize how the design choices can surface information that might be better left under the rock. We hesitate to suggesting doing this, but if you dare to search Google for the Daily Stormer, the extended listing for the site at the moment we write this includes a prominent link to “Jewish Problem: Jew Jake Tapper Triggered by Mention of Black …” Is that beneficial, revealing the true nature of the site? Or is that deeper information better revealed by getting quicker to the next listing in the search results: Wikipedia explaining that “The Daily Stormer is an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website. It is part of the alt-right movement …”? These design decisions have consequences.

This is what he’s talking about:


Of course, it looks the same for The Huffington Post:


Why not argue that the same should be done to them, helping people get more quickly to the Wikipedia entry explaining “The Huffington Post was launched on May 9, 2005 as an overtly liberal/left commentary outlet and alternative to news aggregators such as the Drudge Report…”?

I mean, if you need to treat people like they’re little children, incapable of coming to their own conclusions without being guided by Wikipedia, we should require that across the board, no?

Surely, if the center-point of American political discourse is halfway between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, then the Daily Stormer is no further outside of the political mainstream than the Huffington Post.

But this isn’t about being fair. It’s about using political influence on private corporations to encourage them to push a left-wing agenda by manipulating people. That is the only way the Jew left ever gained dominance over the West in the first place – by ensuring the playing field wasn’t level. Because the internet has created a more equal playing field for the free exchange of ideas, the left is always calling for it to be censored.

Hence this:

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