Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2015

The new meme among Blacks is to call for resegregation. This is funny, because it was the Blacks who initially called for desegregation. But it wasn’t really the Blacks, was it? Rather it was the Jews.
Following the scene in Canada wherein two White journalism students were blocked from entering a campus meeting on racism, a Paki/Arab/whatever extremist female on Huffington Post named Aeman Ansari has called for more segregation.

I am a person of colour and a journalist and so there are two conflicting voices inside my head. But in this case one voice, that of a person of colour, is louder and my conscience does not allow me to be impartial. I have to take a side.
The organizers of the event, the Racialized Students’ Collective, should have done a better job of labelling this event as a safe space on the Ryerson Students’ Union online calendar. They should label safe spaces clearly and maybe even host events that educate the public on what they mean. Doing so will help the public and the media have a better understanding of the purpose and value of these spaces.
However, the point to note is not that two white students were asked to leave the event, but rather that this was a safe space and that we as a newsroom, as a campus and as a society are not as knowledgeable as we should be about what these spaces mean.
It’s not just important, but it’s essential, for marginalized groups to have safe spaces on campus to engage with people who understand what they go through. Though this group is funded by Ryerson’s student union, it works to serve a particular group and a particular purpose. Many students at Ryerson have encountered racism in their life that is impossible to forget and many are exposed to discrimination on a daily basis. This group and these sort of events allow people of colour to lay bare their experiences and to collectively combat this societal ailment. These spaces are rare places in the world not controlled by individuals who have power, who have privilege.
These spaces, which are forums where minority groups are protected from mainstream stereotypes and marginalization, are crucial to resistance of oppression and we, as a school and as a society, need to respect them.
Let me tell you, Madam Ansari – this is just faaaaaaaantastic!

I simply cannot express how happy I am to see that you and the Blacks you make decisions for now wish to segregate yourselves from us. It is, of course, just as important as you claim. We must all have safe spaces, where we are free from being judged by other races.
What I am hoping is that you agree that we Whites also need these spaces. And because it would make absolutely zero sense for you to claim that Blacks and other non-Whites should have exclusive privileges, I am just going to have to assume that yes, you do mean to say that all races deserve this safe space, including Whites.

You know what, Aeman – I’m ready not only to embrace your school segregation plan, but to go ahead and take it a step further – you guys need your own safe drinking fountains –

– and your own safe bus seats –

– and your own safe movie theaters!

Everything should be resegregated!
It is brilliant!
Hooray for separate but equal – the best idea anyone ever had!
I encourage you all to give your full-Nazi appreciation and thanks to Aeman Ansari on her Twitter: @IamAemanAnsari