Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2015

Last Saturday, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi finally came out with some generic “we hate Jews” statement. This is after years of having threatened and attacked literally every group on the planet – including the Japanese – but never Jews.
In an article for Huffington Post entitled “ISIS Finally Comes After the Jews,” Rabbi Shmuley Boteach admits that he too finds it very strange it took them so long to even mention the Jews.
Something I have found so surprising throughout all these events is how ISIS and their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi have hardly made even the smallest mention of Israel or the Jews. I was waiting for that inevitable day when ISIS would declare their intentions to destroy Israel and commit genocide against the Jewish people. It’s kind of a coming of age, a rite of passage for a terrorist group when the day comes that they announce their intentions to wipe out the Israelites. But the weeks and months passed and we heard not a peep.
I was not alone in noticing this. For the last few years a favorite rumor among conspiracy theorists and haters of Israel alike has been that ISIS is actually a Mossad organization, and Baghdadi is in reality a Jew. Why else have they not done anything to harm the Jews? After all, no one can deny that, barring immediate existential threats, the Jews pretty much always receive the top honors on the genocide wish lists for terrorist organizations.
Well, it might be a conspiracy theory that Baghdadi is a Jew. It might also be true. He wouldn’t have to be a Jew, however, to be either working directly for Jews or in some type of strategic alliance with Jews.
What definitely isn’t a theory that Israeli doctors treat wouldn’t ISIS fighters in Israeli hospitals.

It is also not a theory that the overwhelming majority – possibly as much as 90% – of the weaponry the US sends to Syria ends up in the hands of ISIS. They say it’s a several-years-long accident.
In October, Joshua Landis, a Syria expert at the University of Oklahoma, said “Probably 60 to 80 percent of the arms that America shoveled in have gone to al-Qaida and its affiliates.”

Earlier this month, Amnesty International came out and complained that they need to pay more attention and stop accidentally arming ISIS.
The entire purpose of US involvement in Syria is to support Israel, so if Israel was bothered by this situation of the US arming ISIS, the US would probably stop doing it.
Israel also began publicly talking about restoring normal relations with Turkey immediately after it was revealed that they were transferring arms to ISIS, as well as buying their oil. Israel hasn’t told them to stop doing this as part of the terms of restoring relations. In fact, it appears that even while relations were abnormal, Israel has been knowingly buying ISIS oil via Turkey.
So, though we don’t know the behind the scenes details of the relationship between ISIS and Israel, it is safe to say they aren’t enemies, and it is safe to say this statement released against Israel was done under pressure from Moslems who are like “you’re attacking France and California, but you won’t even say the word ‘Jew’? Why is this?”