Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2015
For Father’s Day, a ratlike weasel called Jacob Feinspan – who is the executive director of Jews United for Justice (Jewstice?) – wrote a piece on Huffington Post (more like the “Gas Huffington Post,” amirite?) entitled “What a Feminist Dad Wants for Father’s Day.”
You can imagine how it goes.
As a man, I’ve been subtly and not so subtly taught, all my life, by our society and culture, that I’m already good enough. Moms are supposed to be selfless, endless caregivers, but if a dad just spends some time — well, that’s so much more than what dads did in previous generations that it’s great.
We need to change that double standard. I want my little boy, and his big brother, to grow up in a world of real gender equity. Of equal pay for equal work, where someone’s gender doesn’t influence what they study or are told they’re good at. Where everyone is actually safe — from sexual assault, domestic violence, and daily harassment like catcalling. Where moms are proud of their work both out in the world and at home — and where dads get credit only when we take on a fair share of parenting.
One of the ways I’m trying to change the double standard is to model equal parenting for my boys. For my family, sharing parenting and homemaking equally means I’m waking up at an ungodly hour in the morning, dropping off and/or picking up from school, cooking, washing dishes, and doing bedtime. Sometimes things are busy for me at work, and my wife picks up the slack. Sometimes she’s busy and I take the lead.
Then he says he wants some type of paid family leave program made into law so dads can stay home acting like trannsexual Mexican housemaids taking care of infants for their bitch Jew wives.

Remember who told you to be a faggot, White man: Jacob Feinspan, head of Jews for Justice.