William Martel
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2015
Another Alpha male has been reduced to beta status for apologizing for going on a racist rant in the privacy of his own home. The Jewish media will stop at nothing to crush anyone who doesn’t play along with their political correct scheme, while letting blacks say “nigga” 1000x per minute in their rap lyrics.
Two other members of WWE have used the word “nigga” before; both on live TV with zero repercussions.
Here Booker T calls Hogan a “nigga”:
Even Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWE uses the word “nigga” during a live backstage performance:
Neither of these men have faced a giant conspiracy to destroy their lives, yet here we have Hogan’s life being destroyed for doing the same thing, just in a different context.
The way I see it is this: If the word “nigga” or “nigger” is a bad word, and most offensive to blacks, then maybe the first people to stop using it should be black people so they can lead by example. Secondly, it shouldn’t be okay to use it in ANY context, but yet, it seems to be acceptable to use is some ways and not so much in other ways. So either its NEVER OK to say it, or it’s OK to say it.
You would think in a country that claims to have free speech, it would be OK to do so, but as long as the Jews are in charge, they will use “nigger” or “nigga” as political weapons to keep the white devil in check.
The Hogan saga gets even more pathetic, as The Daily Mail reports:
At one point during the interview, Hogan – whose given name is Terry Bollea – asked that taping stop as he choked up and began to cry at the mention of his daughter’s role in the controversy.
‘If anybody should have disowned me it should have been her,’ said Hogan. ‘I was upset about something that happened between her and her boyfriend.’
Hogan went on to blame his upbringing in a poor south Tampa neighborhood for his use of racist language.

So in other words, instead of Cuck Hogan standing his ground saying “Yea I said it, so what?”, he decides it’s better to cry 6 million tears of sorrow and beg to be cucked in the name of black feelings, and he rather have his daughter go around dating a monkey man just so long as he isn’t called a racist.

Hogan, the “Real American” has fallen. I honestly don’t think he cares about anything; not his daughter, not his country, not even his own pride as a man, otherwise he wouldn’t have bitched-out like this because of what he said years ago in a private sex tape. If he was a real man, he would have stood his ground, told the media to F-off, and protected his daughter from miscegenation at all costs.
Sorry Cuckster, you’re not longer a hero to me, you’re just another cuck that bit the dust.