Daily Stormer
August 30, 2015
This was obviously just an off-handed, joke comment to an annoying TMZ reporter, but the “disgraced wrestler” Hulk Hogan has stated that he wants to be Donald Trump’s running mate in 2016. It does show that Hogan supports him, which is not particularly surprising given his hormonal orientation.
For those who don’t recall, Hogan is “disgraced” because he said he didn’t want his daughter dating “niggers” in a sex tape.
Hulk Hogan has Been Formally Crucified for Doing Racism in a Sex Tape
Another Hulk, Lou Ferrigno, has also endorsed Trump for President.
Incredible Hulk Endorses Trump

I think it was a serious mistake to do away with the association of physical strength with moral authority, and instead allow dirty-looking weaklings to serve as the moral compass of America.
Can you imagine Mark Potok or Ishaan Tharoor as a Greek or Roman statue?

Claiming that Potok and Tharoor have moral authority over society is like claiming zebras have moral authority over the jungle.