Huma Says She Doesn’t Know Why Her Emails were on Jew Husband’s Computer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2016

Huma Abedin listens during speech by democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University in New York

Yo Huma – why the rat face? Did your Jew husband just bring down the entire system?

Well, when you let a Jew into your home, weird things are certainly bound to start happening. The hope any woman has is that that weirdness ends at masturbating on Skype with a 15-year-old girl, rather than bringing down the entire system with criminal emails.

Washington Post:

Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has told people she is unsure how her emails could have ended up on a device she viewed as her husband’s computer, the seizure of which has reignited the Clinton email investigation, according to a person familiar with the investigation and civil litigation over the matter.

The person, who would not discuss the case unless granted anonymity, said Abedin was not a regular user of the computer, and even when she agreed to turn over emails to the State Department for federal records purposes, her lawyers did not search it for materials, not believing any of her messages to be there.

That could be a significant oversight if Abedin’s work messages were indeed on the computer of her estranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner, who is under investigation for allegedly exchanging lewd messages with a 15-year-old girl. So far, it is unclear what — if any — new, work-related messages were found by authorities. The person said the FBI had not contacted Abedin about its latest discovery, and she was unsure what the bureau had discovered.

According to federal law enforcement officials, investigators found thousands of messages on Weiner’s computer that they believe to be potentially relevant to the separate, Clinton email investigation. How they are relevant — or if they are significant in any respect — remains unknown.

Weiner and a lawyer for Abedin did not return messages seeking comment.

He could have been spying on his Paki wife for Israel, lol.

Or it could be that this is just an excuse for the FBI to reopen the case and bring this bitch down. I find it difficult to believe that the FBI never recovered missing 33,000 and just said they didn’t because they’re involved in a criminal conspiracy with Obama and the Justice Department.

Because the Romanian who hacked it had to have downloaded them. I guess he would have wiped his drives before they were confiscated. But all sorts of other people would have had to have had them. Of course the NSA had them. That isn’t admissible in court, but it’s conceivable that connected FBI agents could have gained access that way, and know what’s in them.


“Personal emails” she said.

Why would you risk destroying your career and possibly ending up in prison to keep FBI agents from reading your personal emails? Because you’re embarrassed? Who believes this?

There had to have been a serious criminal conspiracy there. I mean, an even more serious criminal conspiracy than any of the ones we’ve seen thus far.

But look – even if they officially couldn’t find the 33,000, some number of those 33,000 that were sent or forwarded to Huma could be on this Jew’s computer, saved in Outlook or Thunderbird from her address.

At time of writing, still no real new info on any of this. Just speculation and threats.

But it has to be coming this week.
