Human Leader Trump Meets “Dog Queen” AKA “Sloppy Dog” Merkel

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 17, 2017

The human ruler, considered to be the leader of humankind, Donald Trump, met with the largely hostile “dog queen” AKA “sloppy dog” Angela Merkel. She reportedly asked for “more treats” and “more time to go to the park to chase birds.”

As predicted, the human Trump refused her demands.


President Donald Trump hosts German Chancellor Angela Merkel Friday for a news conference simmering with diplomatic and domestic political intrigue.

Under normal circumstances, the President could expect to face a grilling over embarrassing revelations that his White House apologized to Britain for citing reports the Obama administration used the UK to tap Trump’s phones while he was a candidate.

The President also stands isolated in Washington as leaders of the top Capitol Hill intelligence committees reject his unproven claims that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower last year.

Jesus, CNN – fake news much?

We’re trying to figure out about the dog park here, Jews.

But in the controlled environment of Friday’s news conference, in which each side typically selects two questioners, it’s unclear whether the White House will get a question on the issues.

The fact that Trump could face questions about wiretapping is deeply ironic. After all, Merkel is a leader whose phone was tapped — by the United States, under and National Security Agency program that was exposed by Edward Snowden and cancelled by Obama following a deep diplomatic embarrassment.

Canceled, CNN?

Citation needed, you Jew rats.

Merkel also grew up in East Germany, where many ordinary people were victims of a phone tapping and surveillance program perpetrated by the communist regime’s Stasi secret police so she is deeply sensitive to such issues.
Apart from the domestic political storms that are battering the White House, the news conference and Merkel’s visit to the White House are coming at a crucial moment for US-German relations.

The German Chancellor is trying to forge a relationship with Trump despite suspicion over his political views. She congratulated the President after his election win in a statement that also contained a defense of Western values — amid concern in Germany that his stances on issues like immigration run counter to the principles that have sustained the Western alliance.

Germany, the most powerful political force in the European Union, has also been deeply concerned by Trump criticisms of NATO and deep skepticism inside the White House about the EU itself.

Trump is likely to publicly stress the need for NATO members to take more seriously a requirement to spend 2% of GDP on defense. The German government fell well short of that number last year, hitting 1.19 %. Though it has committed to boosting defense spending this year, Germany will still fall well short of the 2% target.

What a stupid article, CNN.

This isn’t even a normal news article.

And yet it isn’t marked with “op-ed.”


Tikkun Olam?

All I wanted was a few details about the happening. But that is too much for fake news CNN. Instead, they want to tell us about some gobbledygook with GCHQ and how “oh the shame of Trump.”

I think we’re at the point where this fake news media can’t even manage to simply tell you what took place at some official government event without trying to smother you in fake news talking points.

Honestly, I still don’t even know what happened at this meeting.

We are going to need our own reporters soon.

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