Human Rights: Non-White Rapist Avoids Deportation Despite His 2 Children Being Adopted

July 14, 2014

Vincent Gnanasiri Cyril will be allowed to remain in the UK even though he will not even be able to see the children that were his excuse for not being deported.

A foreign sex offender has been allowed to remain in Britain because of his “right to family life” with his two young children, even though they are about to be adopted.

Judges ruled that Vincent Gnanasiri Cyril, from Sri Lanka, had proved a human rights case to avoid being deported – and that it was “entirely legitimate” for him to stay here even though the children will have no contact with him when they are placed with a new family.

Campaigners said Cyril’s case showed how Labour’s Human Rights Act had “warped the moral compass of our justice system” and “piles farce on top of tragedy”.

Cyril, 44, a Sri Lankan who arrived in Britain as an illegal immigrant in 1998, was jailed for 12 months in February 2007 after going on a spree of sexual assaults.

He indecently assaulted three women and a man when he was “very drunk”, the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber said.

Cyril is originally from Sri Lanka.

His crime meant that he was liable for “automatic deportation” under rules which state that any foreign national jailed for 12 months or more must be considered for removal from Britain.

The offender was forbidden from returning to the family home after he was released from jail in July 2007.

But he maintained contact with his family and in early 2009 was allowed to move back into the family home in Hull with his wife, known as ‘N’, and their two daughters, known only as ‘C’ and ‘V’, who were born in 2004 and 2008.

In early 2011 the children had to be taken into emergency police protection because of the effect their mother’s mental health was having on her ability to care for them.

Now why wouldnt he want to go back to somewhere like this? Possibly because he is one of the lowest-caste untouchables and he knows that his own people can clearly see that he is no good.

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