Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2015
Interestingly – perhaps – hundreds of Jews visit this site every week.
This is over the last week. It’s average.
( All numbers on this here are unique visits, not page counts.)
What is more interesting – perhaps – is that a large portion of them are return visitors.
Obviously, there are non-Jews in Israel. And some of the internets of Palestine may in fact get routed through Jew Israel.
In fact, I’m pretty sure it must, because the numbers from Palestine are much lower than for other Moslem countries (roughly adjusted for population in my mind).
Still, even considering that, there are still a good number of Jews who read this site every week, then come back to read more.
Interesting to think about.

Wonder what their fascination is? Do they find the site merely interesting, in a detached way? Do they read it out of hatred? Some underlying drive to monitor potential enemies?
Do they laugh at our jokes about them?