Hungarian FM Says Russia Isn’t a Threat to Anyone

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2017

Oh, so Russia isn’t a threat, Hungary?

Why then do you shill for the EU?


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said Russia should not be perceived as a threat to Hungary or any other NATO or EU state. Criticizing Western sanctions against Russia, Szijjarto said Hungary is seeking closer ties with Moscow.

“I don’t see Russia as a threat to Hungary,” the foreign minister said in an interview with Reuters on Friday.

Szijjarto also said that while he “understands” some Eastern European countries such as Poland and the Baltic states might have “another” position, he disapproved of frequent allegations of Russian aggression.
“Russia would not attack any NATO member state. I don’t think it would be in Russia’s interest,” the foreign minister said.

The real “current threat” to the world is Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), the Hungarian minister said, suggesting that the Western military alliance should “have a bigger role” in deterring Islamic terrorism.

“Currently if we speak about threats… I see ISIS as a threat… A non-state actor is the most serious threat to the civilized world. And in this regard… NATO could have a bigger role,” he told the news agency.

Szijjarto added that in regard to this threat he agreed with new American President Donald Trump, saying that NATO had failed to successfully protect the world from IS.

The minister said Budapest is set on closer ties with both Moscow and Washington, and expects a “massive improvement” with the latter under the new administration.

Meanwhile, the West should think about “really high-level” talks with Russia to improve relations, he said. The policy of economic restrictions has proven ineffective, he added, saying that anti-Moscow sanctions have harmed Europeans themselves.

“Hungary’s position on the [anti-Russian] sanctions is that [they are] useless,” Szijjarto told Reuters.

The rest of Eastern Europe – Poland, the Baltics especially, but even Bulgaria and Romania to an extent, are using “fear of Russian aggression” as an excuse to support the Islamic/gay sex/feminist/globalist/Jewish EU agenda.

But Hungary is just like “yeah, no, actually Russia is a pretty cool guy and did nothing wrong.”

So what excuse does Orban have for continuing to shill for the EU?