Hungarian MP Wants Pig Heads on the Border Fence to Deter Invasive Bacon-Hating Haji Filth

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2016


Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us… no seriously though, there are a bunch of beasts from the Middle East.

Hungarians are looking to kick it up a notch and exploit the sick hatred Moslems harbor for delicious pork.


While makeshift scarecrows placed on border fences might keep refugees from entering Hungary, severed pigs’ heads would be an even better deterrent, a Hungarian MEP has said sparking a barrage of criticism and drawing bitter comments online.

On Friday, Human Rights Watch director Andrew Stroehlein condemned the placement of vegetable-made masks on border fences in an alleged attempt to scare off refugees. The images of creepy-looking heads which were said to be carved from sugar beets emerged online last week.

“Refugees are fleeing war & torture, Hungary. Your root vegetable heads will not deter them,” Stroehlein said on Twitter.

Oy vey, goyim!

These victimized Pakistanis and Afghanis are escaping a brutal civil war in Turkey! You have to let them in your evil racist country!


Andrew “Shalom, You Filthy Goyim Pigs” Stroehlein

Responding to Stroehlein’s remark, Hungarian politician Gyorgy Schopflin who represents the ruling Fidesz party in the European Parliament “agreed” that “pig’s head would deter more effectively.”

The two men then got into a heated argument joined by other Twitter users. Stroehlein said that it was absolutely unacceptable for an MP to come up with such a proposal.


Your words are disgusting. I would expect that from anonymous neo-Nazi trolls but you’re an MEP. Act like one,” he said accusing the politician of “spouting such xenophobic filth”.

Isn’t it fun the way Jews on Twitter just bring us up non-stop these days?

Feel free to send Lemongrab gifs to the kike.
