Hungary Blames Ukraine for EU’s Rising Gas Prices (Because Hohols Stole the Gas)

Peter Szijjarto

Wow, really interesting and important news.

Make way guys, Daily Stormer has a very important news update.

Nothing more important than this: Hungary is mad at the Ukraine!

Can you believe that news story???


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has blamed rising natural gas prices in the EU on what he described as “artificially reduced supply.” In a Facebook post on Tuesday, he attributed the increases to EU sanctions and to Ukraine’s decision to block the transit of Russian gas to Central Europe.

Ukraine refused to extend its pipeline transit contract with Russia’s Gazprom beyond the end of 2024, cutting off the flow of natural gas from Russia to Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, and Moldova. The decision caused EU gas prices to spike to €50 per megawatt hour, a figure unseen since October 2023.

See: Hohols Seize Russian Gas Supply to Europe, Hold It Hostage Citing “National Security”

Szijjarto emphasized that the higher gas prices have undermined the bloc’s competitiveness and have disproportionately burdened its citizens. “Ukraine is trying to join the EU as a candidate, it has once again put the European economy in a more difficult position with its latest decision,” he pointed out.

He also criticized Kiev for breaching its EU Association Agreement by stopping transit shipments. “Ukraine’s decision to stop transit shipments will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for Central Europe and the European Union as a whole,” Szijjarto warned.

“Since the end of the Ukrainian transit route in mid-December, natural gas prices in Europe have risen by 20%,” he said.

Wow, so Hungary thinks that gas prices are linked to the gas being stolen?

Wow, I didn’t know it be like that.

I’m shocked to hear this very important news about Hungary getting mad at the Ukraine and thinking the pigs should not kidnap their gas!