Hungary: Orban Declares Islam is Banned Under the Constitution

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2016


In yet another bold move, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor has declared Islam banned from Hungary, as it violates protections against preservation of the culture.

I often criticize Orban for complaining about the EU’s policies while refusing to exit – or even threaten to exit – the Union. However, I am grateful he makes these statements, even if he is a crypto-cuck.


Hungary’s constitution bans “Islamization” because the document aims to protect Hungarian language and culture, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Monday.

Orban also said the constitution forces the government to oppose any kind of mass migration that would endanger those principles.

“To be clear and unequivocal, I can say that Islamization is constitutionally banned in Hungary,” Orban said in parliament at an event celebrating the fifth anniversary of Hungary’s new constitution, now known as the Basic Law.

Orban was quoting from the National Avowal, the Basic Law’s preamble, which details the country’s commitment “to promoting and safeguarding our heritage, our unique language, Hungarian culture” and the protection of “the living conditions of future generations.”


I wish that was in our Constitution.

What an obvious thing.

Hungary maintains that the migrant issue is a matter of national sovereignty.

“We have the right to choose whom we want and don’t want to live with,” Orban said.

You do, but not while you’re taking Merkel’s shekels, Viktor.

This is like a hooker you paid upfront coming back to your room and then saying “I’ve got a right to choose whom I sleep with.”

But again – at least he’s saying something.

Although I do believe that he is only saying something because it’s the only way he can keep his job. And ultimately, the words, if not backed up by action, don’t amount to very much.