Hungary: Yids Flip Lids Over Balint Homan Statue

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2015

Balint Homan seems like a pretty cool guy. He gasses kikes and doesn't afraid of anything.
Balint Homan is a pretty cool guy. He gasses kikes and doesn’t afraid of anything.

When you have Jews in your country, first they will attempt to subtly infiltrate and takeover all of your systems. After this, they will demand total dominance over any of your systems they do not control.


Several hundred people including a US envoy joined a protest Sunday organised by Jewish groups in Hungary against a planned statue of a World War II-era politician who had held anti-Semitic views.

Around 300 protesters gathered near the building site of the monument, a life-size bronze statue of Balint Homan, in the city of Szekesfehervar.

Homan was an academic, prominent historian and civic leader widely seen as an architect of anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. He also called for the deportation of Jews from Hungary in 1944, while part of a fascist Hungarian government installed by Nazi Germany.

Around 600,000 Hungarian Jews perished in the Holocaust, almost all at the Nazi death camp Auschwitz in 1944.

Evidence for this claim, AFP?

Do we have bodies? Do we have written record?

Because the only thing I’ve been able to find indicating this hoax happened are these WWII-era ads for Jewish soap.

This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII. A common insult at the time was "you can't even afford pure Jew soap."
This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII. A common insult at the time was “you can’t even afford pure Jew soap.”
During WWII Germans were living it up, often French kissing in showers while erotically lathering one another up with Jew soap
During WWII Germans were living it up, often French kissing in showers while erotically lathering one another up with Jew soap

Needless to say, this is not definitive proof that the hoax was real.

“An openly anti-Semitic, fascist politician should never get a statue anywhere in this country,” Andras Heisler, head of Hungary’s largest Jewish group, the Federation of Jewish Hungarian Communities (Mazsihisz), told the crowd at the protest..

Also present were Israeli and Canadian diplomats and Washington’s special envoy on anti-Semitism Ira Forman.

“There is no excuse for this statue, that’s something we won’t let up on,” Forman told AFP.

The private group behind the statue, the Balint Homan Foundation, some of whose members are linked to the far-right Jobbik party, has received both state and municipal funding for the statue in Szekesfehervar, about 60 kilometres (37 miles) southwest of Budapest.

It is scheduled to be unveiled December 29 – the 130th anniversary of Homan’s birth.

Protest letters against the statute have also been sent to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban by the World Jewish Congress and a US Congress taskforce on anti-Semitism.

On Friday, the city’s mayor, a member of Orban’s right-wing Fidesz party, urged the foundation to “rethink” the plan, and said if it erects the statue it should pay back the public funding it received.

Here are the Jews out protesting:


lol @ candles for the innocent gassed.

Doesn’t look like a very big protest.

As you may have guessed, Balint Homan was a pretty cool guy.


Bálint Hóman (29 December 1885 – 2 June 1951) was a Hungarian politician, who served as Minister of Religion and Education twice: between 1932–1938 and between 1939–1942.

He was born into a Roman Catholic family. He finished his studies in Budapest. He started his career when he was still a student, working for the University Library of Budapest. He was appointed director of the National Széchényi Library in 1922, and of the Hungarian National Museum in 1923, a position he held until 1932.

Hóman produced serious scientific works during his life. The centre of his researche was the history of the Hungarian nation during the Middle Ages. Intitially he dealt with economic history, social history and the auxiliary sciences of history. He wrote about Hungarian towns during the Árpád era, the social class, the first state tax and about the Magyar tribes who arrived to the Carpathian Basin. His bulky work was published with a title of History of the Hungarian Currency 1000–1325, he systematized the Hungarian currency of the Middle Ages’ chronology, metrology and history. His other fundamental work was The finance affairs and economic policy of the Kingdom of Hungary during the reign of Charles Robert.

He published many essays and books together with Gyula Szekfű. Their most notorious work is the Hungarian history. According to his point of view that is necessary to take it into consideration at the time of the analysis of the ancient Hungarian words the Sumerian and Hattian–Hurrian literary monuments.

Hóman represented the German orientation of the Hungarian politics from the 1930s. He served as Minister of Religion and Education in the cabinet of Gyula Gömbös and Kálmán Darányi. After one-year gap he was appointed minister again. He was the deputy chairman of the Party of National Unity from 1938.

He opposed the peace negotiations of 1943 with the western allies. He also took a part in the legislation after the German occupation (March 1944) and the coup d’état of the Arrow Cross Party (October 1944). When the Red Army entered the Hungarian border in December 1944, he moved to Transdanubia along with the other Arrow Cross Party members (including Ferenc Szálasi). Later he escaped to Germany, but the American troops captured him. The People’s Tribunal sentenced to life imprisonment because of charge of war crimes in 1946. Hóman spent his punishment in Vác, where his biological organisation carried the trials difficultly. According to reports the grew man lost 60 kilograms of his weight during short time. Hóman died on 2 June 1951.

On 6 March 2015 Hóman was rehabilitated after ruling by the Metropolitan Court of Budapest.

He wasn’t even especially controversial. They mostly just starved him to death because… well, because Jews are a hateful people.

Homan during the process of being starved by Jews.
Homan during the process of being starved by Jews.

Never forget: the Holocaust didn’t ever happen.

It is war propaganda used to justify war with Germany, later used to make Jews invincible forever.