Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
August 27, 2014

In Ypres, France, the prime ministers of European Union countries gathered to discuss politics.
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, said in a meeting that during his time in office “The goal is to cease immigration whatsoever,”
“I think the current liberal immigration policy, which is considered obvious and morally based, is hypocritical…”
He said he wanted to EU leaders to acknowledge that immigration is wrong, and Europe’s aim should be to cease immigration.
“There were two types of reactions: some envied me because they mustn’t say things like that although they’d very much like to. The others disagreed because they’ve failed to turn around demographic trends with family politics; have kept social tension at bay by subsidizing the jobless; and aren’t fazed if the ethnic basis of a nation state is broken,”
PM Orban said it was extremely important for Hungary to remain European, ethnically and culturally, with Christianity as its cornerstone.
He suggested that instead of financing the current immigration policy, EU countries should use that money to make the immigrants’ home countries better to live, and additionally, to focus on increasing the birth rate in Europe.
The Hungarian government has been increasing the country’s birth rate by offering tax exemption to those who have three kids or more, and also introducing legislation so that mothers can stay home for three years after giving birth.
The Hungarian government also plans to boost birth-rates with a congratulatory card for newly wedded couples.
“If your love for one another becomes the source of a new life, that’s the greatest gift to your family. A child is a blessing, and the pledge of survival of the family and our nation.” the congratulatory cards say.
Back in May 2014, PM Orban shed light on to why he is trying to increase the birth-rate of Europeans.
“History has proven that civilizations that are not capable of biologically preserving themselves are destined to disappear, Our civilization, Europe is not capable of this today.”
Anti-Whites are furious that a White country is trying to preserve itself.
The anti-White ideology says that all White countries and White areas must accept “diversity”, and only when White people are a minority everywhere; this “diversity problem” is solved.
Back on planet earth, if there was this “diversity problem” in ONLY Black countries, and this “problem” needed to be solved by flooding Black countries with millions of non-Blacks until Blacks became a minority – that would be called genocide.
But no one has a problem with areas that are 100% Black, or 100% Asian, because you see, “diversity” is just a code word for White genocide.