Hungary’s Orban Welcomes West European Refugees from Liberalism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

I can think of a lot of reasons people would prefer Hungary to Western Europe.

In fact, other than average income, there is virtually no benefit whatsoever to living in Western Europe.


After pledging “open conflict” with the EU on refugees, the right-wing prime minister jokingly welcomed West European refugees. He also accused billionaire George Soros of undermining Hungary’s democracy.

Hungary’s populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban welcomed Western Europeans who felt persecuted by liberal agendas to seek asylum in his country.

“Naturally, we will take in the real refugees,” Orban said at his annual state of the union address. “The panicked German, Dutch, French and Italian politicians and journalists, Christians forced to leave their countries will find here the Europe they lost at home.”

The audience received the comments with laughter and loud applause

The right-wing conservative politician lashed out against left-wing politics, the liberal media and international human rights organizations.

Together they had created a “worldwide network” to deliver “hundreds of thousands of migrants” into Europe. “The former government of the US and the governments in Brussels and Berlin have ensured that immigrants cannot be stopped, but we have done so,” Orban told followers.

Earlier on Friday, Budapest said all of its migrants would be sent to detention centers while their asylum applications were pending, with Orban admitting that put his country in “open conflict” with the European Union.

Just don’t, you know, throw some kind of pro-white conference.

Because he’ll arrest you for that.