“I Can Do You All Night” Somalian Courier Walks Free After Multiple Sexual Assaults

Court News UK
November 28, 2013

A Somalian courier who thrust his hand up a woman’s skirt and said: ‘I can do you all night’ has walked free from court.

Mohammed Toumi, 31, was a regular visitor to the woman’s south London home and let himself into her bedroom.

‘I was lying on my bed and he came in and sat on the bed,’ she said.

‘He had his hand on my thigh and was moving it up.

‘I jumped up and told him to stop and he tried to hold me and I pushed him away.

‘He was still saying he could do me the whole night.’

The court was told the incident was a series of sexual assaults carried out by Toumi.

The woman was down on her hands and knees at her washing machine when he came up behind her with his penis exposed, it was claimed.

He was said to have her: ‘I can go the whole night without stopping.’

Toumi, of Wernbrook Street, Plumstead, was arrested in September and denied the incidents took place when questioned by police.

He insisted the woman was making up the allegations and denied two charges of sexual assault and four counts of indecent exposure.

Some Somalians queing for handouts
Some Somalians queuing for handouts while their husbands are out pirating.

Toumi was cleared of all charges with the exception of one sexual assault.

A probation officer who compiled a report on Toumi, who claims he was born in the middle of the Arabian desert, found he still has a ‘controlling and domineering’ attitude towards women.

He has been in the UK for ten years and has several minor convictions.

Judge Timothy Pontious told him: ‘The episode was undoubtedly upsetting and caused her a great deal of upset and apprehension for some time following that day.

‘It may well be that your attitude towards women has been contrary to what is essential and appropriate in modern society, particularly in this country.’

The judge took into account the fact that Toumi is working 12 hour days for the Citylink courier firm. and passed a 12 month supervision order.

‘You must be careful in the way you behave in the company of women in the future,’ the judge said.

‘Any repeat offence will be dealt with severely,’

Toumi was ordered to pay £250 prosecution costs and sign on the Sex Offenders’ Register for five years.