Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2015

Journalist and television personality, Katie Hopkins, has unleashed a torrent of liberal hatred by daring to write about how she cares more for actual Britons than she does for invading non-White waste.
Writing in her column in The Sun, the controversial 40-year-old admitted that her concerns lay exclusively with her own people than the non-White human garbage drowning out at sea in their sleazy efforts to invade England.

She even had the fortitude of her convictions to state publicly that she would not even be moved by the sight of “coffins and bodies floating in the water.” She stated that instead her sympathies lie exclusively with the British lorry drivers, who assumedly are suffering as a result of White genocide.
Her comments come at a time when the hand of God has intervened to prevent these future scammers, thieves, rapists and killers from picking over the bones of the once great Island nation of Britannia. Thanks to the almighty’s intervention, instead of occupying luxury housing while old age Briton pensioners and ex-servicemen who pay for their upkeep languish in squalid rat-infested hovels, some 400 dirty refos found themselves drowned amongst the sea shells off the coast of Libya.

Of course, you cannot make that kind of statement in the Soviet Republic of Britainstan without swift and searing condemnation from the PC bureau.
Arch anti-White nonce Piers Morgan soon hopped onto his Twitter account — apparently the latest medium for issuing public statements — with a somewhat flagging rebuttal. It’s as though the old dish rag just cannot muster the appropriate energy anymore, Tweeting simply, “Causing outrage through racism/homophobia/bigotry is very different to expressing provocative opinion.”

This was followed up by raving faggot and walking blubber factory Matt Lucas, star of the remarkably vile and unfunny Little Britain. He Tweeted, “Having read her latest article, it’s hard to think of anything left for Katie Hopkins to do now, other than just kill some people.”
On balance, I'd prefer to turn a gunship on @KTHopkins. http://t.co/P9nuHyYICT
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 18, 2015
Having read her latest article, it’s hard to think of anything left for Katie Hopkins to do now, other than to just kill some people.
— Matt Lucas (@RealMattLucas) April 18, 2015
.@KTHopkins to write about immigrants so hatefully you cannot love yourself. Come back to humanity, you must be shattered.
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) April 17, 2015
His remark was probably better suited to describing the hordes of Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and Africans that keep Britain’s penal system flourishing, but who failed to make it onto British soil.
As a nod to Australia’s no-crap policy to human debris that believe it’s their right to enter illegally and then suck up welfare benefits, Katie added the UK should “get Australian” and “threaten them with violence till they bugger off.”
Not quite finished, she joyously concluded by saying, “Once gunships have driven them back to their shores, boats need to be confiscated and burned on a huge bonfire.”
Perhaps she deserves a Tweet of congratulations @KTHopkins.