I Need to Go Back Through the Basics

It’s easy to forget that I’ve been writing about these same issues for more than 13 years, with the Daily Stormer coming up on its 12th anniversary. Frankly, everything is easy to forget because life just drones on and on.

There are a lot of things that I simply take it for granted that the reader understands. I don’t want to talk down to the reader by explaining basics repeatedly, but I think I do need to go back and go through the core, foundational issues upon which the ideas presented here are based. I do not think that everyone has been here for the entire ride.

I’m going to try to do this in the future, to write significant articles on the various topics we discuss here.

Briefly, I will give an overview.


Most of the site is about Jews. The core idea is that Jews are fundamentally opposed to all other peoples, with a special hatred for Christians. When we talk about “The Jews,” we are talking about a collective, rather than individuals. There may be individual Jews who disagree with each other, and there may even be Jews who disagree with the Jewish collective, but on the whole, Jews will always ask “what’s good for the Jews,” and they will put their own interests above everyone else’s.

Clearly, any group of people should put its interests first, and every group does that other than whites. The Jews are particular, however, because they have always lived amongst other people, without their own labor force or military, and thus their interests have always involved exploiting other people to take things from them. Finally, after the second world war, they got a country, but the country itself functions as a parasite on the rest of the world.

Furthermore, Jews have perverse, neurotic tendencies, which relate to a desire to weaken the people they live amongst. One simply has to look at the way the United States funnels cash to Israel to see how this works. If the United States was an educated, healthy, moral country, no one would stand for this practice of transferring money to Israel, of committing to all of these wars in its name, but because the United States is a broken, sickening nation of fat slobs with very low morality, no one is willing to take a stand on anything. Many Americans are so fat and stupid they think Israel is good.

The reason Jews are like this is genetic. Behavior is usually genetic. Jews wanted to deliberately remain separate from the people they lived among. The Jewish religion preaches that Jews are chosen by their god because of their bloodline, that they are superior to everyone else, and they therefore must manipulate and control those whose labor they feed on. That’s literally what the religion says, it’s not something that’s up for debate. In a longer form, I would take the time to cite some sources, but it’s not a question. The question is what are the results of such a religion, and the answer to that is that you breed very specific types of individuals.

If you think about America and all of the European groups coming here, none of them kept to their own in this way, at least not deliberately, over many generations. In general, people feel closer to people who are genetically similar to them. This is a part of race, which I will summarize below, so people do often tend to breed with people from a similar ethnic background. However, for most peoples, this sort of slowly falls away. As groups live together and speak the same language, they will begin mixing, particularly if they are not visibly much different than one another. There are still groups of Irish and Italians on the East Coast, but in the rest of the country, not so much. If it does exist, it’s like my personal situation where my parents were not thinking about their Irishness but subconsciously were attracted to each other for that reason (Irish men and women look for someone who is into abuse).

However, America is not that old. The Jews have been doing this “separation” thing for two thousand years. Jewish culture is totally satanic and bizarre, and fixated on abuse. The things these people do are grotesque, and they are completely miserable. So, for two thousand years, Jews who lived in that culture had the option of just leaving. Any individual Jew who didn’t like that culture and didn’t want to be a part of it could have simply left, gotten baptized, married a Christian woman. And many of them did throughout history. But what happens then is the ones that don’t leave continue to breed with one another and strengthen the racial characteristics of a group of people who enjoys being a loathsome parasite, enjoys taking part in a religion that celebrates the murder of Christ and preaches that all other people on earth are “human animals.” The Jews purified their blood in this manner, creating a race of super parasites.


Perhaps I should start with the race issue when I break these things down one at a time, because understanding race is necessary for understanding Jews. Race is rather simple and obvious: it’s not really different than dog breeds. With dogs, you have a single species that has been bred into all of these different shapes and sizes. They not only look different, but they have different behaviors and different levels of intelligence. Some of them (pit bulls, which are akin to blacks) are much more prone to violence.

Simply put, race is an expression of genetics, and just as genetics make up the totality of an individual, so do they make up the totality of a group.

The stupidest anti-racist lie is that race is “the color of the skin.” If race was “only skin deep,” there really wouldn’t be a problem with mixing the races together, and as soon as they spoke the same language, they would begin to mix and the differences would disappear in a few hundred years. The issue is what is under the skin, specifically in the brain region. Black people, for instance, are less intelligent than whites. If race was skin deep, Gary, Indiana would not look like the slums of Nigeria.

No one should hate any other race. I mean, they can if they want to, I don’t care. I can see why they would. But it doesn’t really serve any purpose and will just make you exhausted. The basic reality is that most races are not compatible with one another and diversity creates conflict and tensions. There are various sources on this issue, which I will cite in the future, but the Robert Putnam paper on diversity is good, in particular because he is a liberal who was against his own data.

An infant can tell if someone is related to them. No one really knows how that works, but babies can sense familial relations, which is why stranger adoption does not work very well (even within your own race). Babies never want their mother to leave, but if the mother does leave, they want one of their aunts, a sister, or someone else related genetically to care for them. You feel more comfortable around your family, as people probably know. This extends to cousins and so on. Then it spreads out to your ethnic group and your race. It’s sort of obvious: you feel more comfortable around people who are more similar to you. You have more empathy for these people and you trust them more.

The other races – everyone other than whites – is aware that they are members of groups and they act on this. Whites, ironically because of various genetic traits, have been convinced that “race does not exist,” and that it is evil to be a part of a group and work for group interests. Whites are being dispossessed without even understanding what is happening because their heads have been filled with psychobabble from the Jews. Everyone coming into our countries is trying to get whatever they can get for themselves, their families, and their racial group, while we go around oblivious, convinced these people coming in are all just random individuals.

The differences in the races are irrelevant if people do not live together. Everyone used to have their own countries. Now, everyone but whites have their own countries, and white countries are for everyone (except for whites). Mass immigration and multiculturalism are Jewish agendas, in part because Jews want to cover up the fact that they are a different race by creating a situation where no one knows what is happening with races, and in part because, as stated, they do not want the nations they feed off of to be strong and healthy, and mass immigration weakens countries.

Of course, immigration is a scam. They tell you that this is to be nice to these people, but there are billions of people in the third world and they can’t all come to white countries. The reality is that if this was about being nice, we would just send these countries money instead of bringing them to our countries. It is something like ten times more efficient to send aid to foreign countries rather than bring people into white countries. So it would be better for both parties if we did it that way.

Furthermore, some of the migrations have been caused by wars started by Jews. Most people don’t want to leave their own countries and go live in a foreign country on welfare. The only people who do want to do that are low-level scum, which is who white countries are inviting in. The countries that are not involved in wars or conflicts created by the United States are not even that poor anymore. Mexico certainly isn’t poor – they exported all their scum and criminals to the United States a long time ago. Even black Africa is not poor in the way people tend to think of it. No one is starving anywhere other than a few war zones.

Mass immigration is not about helping brown people, it is about hurting white people.


It would be impossible to write a short summary of my views on women. I’ll do my best to try.

Women are whores.

That’s all.

No. Let’s see.

Basically, just like they tell you that the races are all the same, they tell you women are the same as men. Women know this isn’t true, but the lie benefits them, so they naturally promote it.

With women, everything is about sex, because sex is the only thing women have to offer, and offering sex to the best man is the only way they can achieve anything. Sex is the only way a woman can interact with the world, and her only important decisions are about sex. A woman wants to be pregnant by the man best able to provide for her. However, women are stupid, and they don’t really process their own sexual urges, and therefore their sexual decisions do not make sense when observed by a man. These sexual urges are very primitive, and are totally botched in a world of sterile sex (where women do not get pregnant as a result of sex, or can kill the child before it is born).

The core idea is this: women are physically weak and everything they have is from men. Obviously, in the modern technological system, they can live alone and work at some stupid job and get money without having a husband. However, men built that modern world, without which they would need to return to trading sex for food and shelter from the elements.

An underlying theme in my thought process is that humans are not designed for the modern world. The brain of the human is based around the way the world was before modern technology. This has really screwed up sexuality and has botched reproduction. Whereas men masturbate to pornography, women go online and have thousands of men messaging them. Although women relate to the world through sex, their actual drive for sex is very low, unless they are ovulating. They enjoy using their sexuality to influence men, with the goal of acquiring both emotional and physical resources. Women will never admit to this (Madonna’s “Material Girl” was written by a man), and will instead gaslight men while claiming to be a victim.

The reason we do not have families in the West (or Asia) anymore is because young women would much prefer to go around manipulating all the men they can find, feeling very good about themselves. In modern Western society, from puberty until the mid to late twenties, a woman is basically like a god, capable of manipulating any men in her vicinity. They crave attention because they do not have their own self-esteem and thus must have it externally formed. That is the kind of sentence that really needs to be elaborated on with several paragraphs.

All these ideas really need elaborated on, and now, I don’t think short summaries were a very good idea. I’m picturing in my head a person who has simply followed the schooling system, followed the media, and believes all of the lies of this society, and how I would explain these issues to him, and I think the reality is that it takes a lot of words.

The unfortunate part is that our ancestors – most of our grandparents, definitely our great-grandparents – knew all of this without having to have it explained to them (with the exception maybe being the Jews, but they could simply observe the Jews and draw obvious conclusions, because they hadn’t been brainwashed to believe that groups do not exist).

The other people that understand all of this are all nonwhite people. You’re not going to find any nonwhite person who thinks “all races are the same” or that “women are equal.” They might agree to those statements, because they will think you are talking about lives having value, but they do not look at people as being all the same. This is gibberish that only a totally brainwashed person could ever believe.

White people in the West have definitely undergone very serious brainwashing. From the time of birth, people have been lied to about the most basic realities. It is a lot of work, and it is very painful, for an individual to break out of that brainwashing. It’s easier for people who grew up in conservative families. Modern conservatives believe most of these lies society tells, but they at least have a framework for understanding. If you grew up without the influence of conservative parents, understanding anything at all is basically impossible.

Other Issues

There are other main issues, including but not limited to:

  • Homosexuals
  • Hitler
  • Christianity
  • Diet and physical fitness
  • Work
  • Management of the male sexual urge

Hopefully, I can write 3-5,000 word essays about all of these things, then perhaps collect them into a book that people can share.

I’m going to have to actually draw up outlines, which is not something I’ve done in a long time, because these ideas need to be ordered in order to be accessible. There has to be a starting point of relatability. Maybe I will start with common experiences. That should be easy enough with race and women. Maybe I would start with those and then move to the Jews. You really do have to understand the concept of genetics and groups before understanding Jews. There are also many similarities between Jews and women.

It’s a big job, but I’m a big guy and I can take it.


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