I Turned the Ads Off

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2016


Yesterday, we tested some pop-under ads.

The reason we tested them is that so few people contribute financially to the site that I’m having difficulty getting together funding for the expansion projects I want to do.

The theory behind it was that the ads would only affect through-traffic, such as the hundred-odd thousand people who have come here to witness our Taylor Swift may-mays following international outrage over them.

Made TYT, btw.

Please note how pissed off I am that they are associating the Facebook guy’s claim that Armenian monkey Kim Kardashian is “Aryan” with me. He’s a cool guy, but come on – that was a retarded thing to say. Armenians are not White, let along “Nordic Aryans.”

Most of our own readers block ads.

However, enough of you don’t block ads – and thought that the ads were installing a virus on your computer – that I’ve decided to cancel the program.

So, I’m going to ask again – please consider signing up for the Liberapay voluntary subscription program, and giving a dollar or two (or less) a week for the content you consume here on the Daily Stormer. I have big plans, but they are only achievable with money.

To sign up, Click here.

Or click this button (which is also in the right sidebar):

Signing-up should be self-explanatory, but if not, full instructions are on the contributions page.

Other Contribution Methods

Google Wallet (credit/debit cards from the US):




Cash or a check can go to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

More details about all of this on the contributions page.

I want the site to be the best it can be. And I think you do too.

So help us out.

Hail Victory.

Andrew Anglin