“I walked Out of an Auschwitz Gas Chamber Alive, Camped with Anne Frank and was Experimented on by Mengele”

A HolyHoax Museum
January 28, 2015

Gena Turgel
Looks very trustworthy doesn’t she.

This story almost meets all of the required elements for a good holo fable.

Gena is originally from the Jewish ghetto of Krakow, Poland.  She was 16 in 1939 at the outbreak of the war.

She says she first was sent to the Plaszow concentration camp for two and a half years before being sent to Auschwitz, where she was tested on by Doctor Joseph Mengele.

Gena says that one day at Auschwitz she was sent naked with hundreds of other inmates into a room, which she thought was a shower.  “Ice-cold” water came out of the showers, she says, and she drank some of the water because she was so thirsty.

Then after she came out of the room, some women screamed at her,  “Oh, you are alive!  Don’t you know what has just happened to you?  You were in the gas chamber!”

Gena does not know how she survived.  She says “it must not have worked”.

So, was that “gas chamber” actually a delousing chamber used to disinfect inmates in order to prevent disease?  Or was it a homicidal gas chamber, and Gena is another example of a HolyHoax miracle?

Miraculously, the Germans decided not to holocaust Gena after she survived the delousing gas chamber.

As the Soviet Army closed in towards Auschwitz, Gena says she was sent on a death march to Buchenwald, and then to Bergen-Belsen, where she shared a barracks with Anne Frank.

Gena claims seven siblings and her father were holocausted.

Article: “Auschwitz Survivor Gena Turgel Walked Out of Gas Chamber Alive”