I will Not Rage if The Leader Denounces the Troll Army

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2016

There’s a storm brewing after Glorious Leader failed to denounce the Stormer Troll Army to the Christ-killer Blitzer.

Many Jew rats are scurrying about, demanding he denounce us.


Gawker kiking it up


Our old Islamic terror-mongering friend Dean Obediah in The Atlantic


Kike Media Matters

I want to make it clear that I was very appreciative of not being denounced, and I would prefer to not be denounced. However, I am mature enough to understand how this game is played, and if Trump feels he must denounce, I will lose no sleep – as long as it’s understood that sometime in the next 8 years (right – like we’re not going to abolish term limits!) I get to have a sit-down 15 minutes with The Leader.

So if I am denounced, I will go ahead and assume it is with the caveat that I will get such a meeting sometime in the glorious future.

So, I just want everyone to remember: don’t get downhearted if he denounces us. He already refused to denounce us, so if he does it later, it is only because it is necessary.

Always remember: he looked straight at the camera and said “I have no message for the fans.”

Anything after that is just politics.