I Wish We Could Elect 1970s Joe Biden

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2019

Unlike Donald “I’ve Never Heard of White People, But Black Unemployment is the Lowest Ever” Trump the nigger-loving shill, 1970s Joe Biden had a very clear anti-nigger mission, which he doggedly pursued.

In the 1970s, no one had ever even thought about flooding America with global niggerdom, so 1970s Joe Biden was focused on the problem of the time: niggers trying to flood white people’s schools.

And he went to war to keep these niggers OUT OUT OUT!


Joe Biden’s road to a third presidential bid has been lined with a series of explanations and apologies, illustrating the challenges of preparing a long record of public service for fresh scrutiny under the spotlight of the 2020 campaign.

Yet he rarely discusses one of the earliest — and most controversial — issues he championed in the Senate: his fight against busing to desegregate schools.

It was more than four decades ago as a battle raged across the country — and in Congress — over sending white students to majority-black schools and black students to majority-white schools often far away from their own neighborhoods. Biden forcefully opposed the government’s role in trying to integrate schools, saying he favored desegregation, but believed busing did not achieve equal opportunity.

In a series of never-before-published letters from Biden, which were reviewed by CNN, the strength of his opposition to busing comes into sharper focus, particularly how he followed the lead of — and sought support from — some of the Senate’s most fervent segregationists.

“My bill strikes at the heart of the injustice of court-ordered busing. It prohibits the federal courts from disrupting our educational system in the name of the constitution where there is no evidence that the governmental officials intended to discriminate,” Biden wrote to fellow senators on March 25, 1977. “I believe there is a growing sentiment in the Congress to curb unnecessary busing.”

Biden, who at the time was 34 and serving his first term in the Senate, repeatedly asked for — and received — the support of Sen. James Eastland, a Mississippi Democrat and chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a leading symbol of Southern resistance to desegregation. Eastland frequently spoke of blacks as “an inferior race.”

“Dear Mr. Chairman,” Biden wrote on June 30, 1977. “I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote.”

Two weeks later, Biden followed up with a note to Eastland “to thank you again for your efforts in support of my bill to limit court ordered busing.”

Biden, who would go on to lead the Judiciary Committee a decade later, got his start on the panel under Eastland. Few senators were more virulently outspoken against desegregation than the Mississippi senator, who was known for incendiary floor speeches on race.

Yet Biden invited Eastland to speak on the Senate floor in support of his anti-busing bill.

“I want to personally ask your continued support and alert you to our intentions,” Biden wrote on Aug. 22, 1978. “Your participation in floor debate would be welcomed.”

The letters, which are filed away in Eastland’s archives at the University of Mississippi, offer a window into the robust nature of Biden’s support of anti-busing bills.

While most of Biden’s legislative efforts failed, he was not a passive observer like many fellow Democrats of the era, who sought to balance the anger of white constituents surrounding school busing without blocking the next step in the expansion of civil rights.

When an anti-integration amendment from North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms failed, Biden proposed an anti-busing amendment of his own that rankled Sen. Ed Brooke, a Massachusetts Republican and the first black senator to be elected since Reconstruction.

“I have become convinced that busing is a bankrupt concept,” Biden said during debate.

If 1970s Joe Biden was running on a platform of “Keep Niggers Out of White Classrooms,” no one would have any questions about who they were voting for next November.

1970s Joe Biden is ten times the man Donald Trump is.

Of course, 40 years later, Biden is worse than Trump and is openly talking about ethnically cleansing America of white people.

I guess this is just the nature of the politician. They are just shills for whatever people want them to promote. No different really than a marketing company. They will just sell whatever product they are commanded to sell.

By the way, the media isn’t attacking Biden by coming out with this material. They are coming out with it now, dumping all of it, in order to get it out of the way.

I almost think that this shovelface bitch who came out with the hair-sniffing allegation was working for him to get that grope problem out of the way.

She came out with this at exactly the right time, and the women that have come out since with metoos against Uncle Joe haven’t even been hardly mentioned by the media. And her thing is just “yeah he sniffed my hair, it was weird.”

Biden is still the frontrunner and he is still the favorite of the Jews.