Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2014
While idiots in the Ukraine are burning down their own city demanding they be collectively raped by the EU, Iceland is seeking parliamentary approval of a plan to cancel EU membership talks.
A bill proposing the withdrawal was sent to parliament late on Friday and was due to be debated next week, a foreign ministry spokesperson said on Saturday.
The move came after the parliamentary caucuses of the ruling parties – the centrist Progressive Party and the conservative Independence Party – voted on Friday to withdraw the application.
In comments on the proposal quoted by online news site, the government said it “did not have a support base” to complete the accession process.
Opinion polls have consistently shown a majority of Icelanders oppose joining the EU.
Iceland was instead to focus on its ties with the EU as member of the European Economic Area (EEA) – the free trade zone comprising non-EU countries Liechtenstein and Norway as well as the 28-strong EU bloc.
There’s a lot of good going on, really. This is good, the Swiss vote was good. Golden Dawn is going smashingly, and the softer nationalist parties in Western Europe (Farage, Le Pen, Wilders) are getting serious support, which at least proves that people are fed-up.
Best not to dwell on the Ukraine. I don’t even feel like writing about it today. But I will.