Idiot Canadian Leader Stephen Harper Travels to Israel to Praise Jewish Terrorists, Yet Again

Daily Stormer
January 21, 2014

Canada: Yep, that's Canada.
Canada: Yep, that’s Canada.

The sickening Jew-loving shill Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of the failed state of Canada, attended the Israeli Knesset on Monday and gave praise to the Jews on a level not seen in decades.  Literally getting down on his knees and crying tears of love, he pledged the unending support of the ridiculous nation of Canada, and the blood of Canadian children, to the Jew state.

From the Jerusalem Post:

The first speech in the Knesset by a Canadian prime minister was peppered with standing ovations, the enthusiastic likes of which may not have been seen since Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress in 2011.Statements like “through fire and water, Canada will stand with you” were met with rousing rounds of applause, and though clapping is against Knesset protocol, even Speaker Yuli Edelstein joined in.

The Canadian premier said he believes “it is right to support Israel because, after generations of persecution, the Jewish people deserve their own homeland and deserve to live safely and peacefully in that homeland.

Let me repeat that: Canada supports Israel because it is right to do so,” he emphasized. “It is… a Canadian tradition to stand for what is principled and just, regardless of whether it is convenient or popular.”

“The friendship between [Israel and Canada] is rooted in history, nourished by shared values, and it is intentionally reinforced at the highest levels of commerce and government as an outward expression of strongly held inner convictions,” Harper said in French and English.

Some of those shared values are “freedom, democracy and rule of law,” in which Israel “has long anchored itself,” he said.

“These are not mere notions,” he added. “They are the things that, over time and against all odds, have proven to be the only ground in which human rights, political stability and economic prosperity may flourish.”

Meanwhile, free and democratic Israel is locking up “asylum seekers” in concentration camps until they can be shipped to Sweden, while Canada is being voluntarily overrun by hordes of savages from anywhere and everywhere.  Israel also continues to practice their official policy of genociding the indigenous people of the Middle East, while Canada continues to give special rights to their parasitic Indian inhabitants.

But nevermind all that.  What is important is that Jews suffered greatly in the absolutely documented historical real-life event known as the Holohoax, where six million invisible Jews were executed in steam chambers and chambers with electric floors by evil Aryans, and their remains made to magically disappear forever.

This is the true framework on which democracy is built: weird fantasy nonsense.

If you think tearing down people's homes and forcing them into concentration camps is morally questionable, you are a racist.

If you think tearing down people’s homes and forcing them into concentration camps is morally questionable, you are a racist.

Harper also made the outrageous claim that any opposition to the genocidal expansionist agenda of the Jewish state amounts to little more than “sophisticated” Antisemitism.

The Canadian prime minister also told MKs that he believed expression of anti-Zionism to be on par with anti-Semitism. “Anti-Semitism still exists in its traditional form based on ignorance in some of the dark corners of the world,” he said. “In the Western world it takes on a more sophisticated form. With some intellectualized arguments on some campuses.This is the new face of anti-Semitism.”

Though I wish that were true, it simply is not. “Anti-Zionism” is a leftist position, clearly distinct from Antisemitism, in that it solely seeks to address the horrendous human rights abuses of the Jewish state, without noting the larger global Jewish problem. The Jews are able to see, however, that if the world’s eyes are turned on their intense lack of compassion for the Arabs they have displaced and slaughtered wholesale, there is a risk that the international problem of the Jewish race will become known, and thus they must claim that all opposition to any single behavior they engage in is the result of a vague hatred for their race, rooted in ignorance and confusion.

I will note here that “Anti-Zionism” could perhaps be appropriately be categorized as a form of Antisemitism, as it seems that all Antisemitism is is an opposition to any behavior of the Jews.

There was never any house there to begin with, you dirty, dirty racist!
There was never any house there to begin with, you dirty, dirty racist!

Thankfully, the Jewish decision to try and classify “Anti-Zionism” as Antisemitism is having the effect of pushing Anti-Zionists, who become exposed to the Jewish question by researching the militant warmongering of the Jew state, into examining the larger issue of the Jewish occupation and control of all Western nations.

The words of praise by these shill global leaders become more and more ridiculous as the Jewish illusion continues to crumble.