Idiots: Germany Rushed by Bulgarians and Romanians

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2014

Ha!  You knew that Bulgarian guy was going to be wearing that red Puma jacket when he showed up in Berlin, didn't you Merkel?
Ha! You knew that Bulgarian guy was going to be wearing that red Puma jacket when he showed up in Berlin, didn’t you Merkel?

Well Germany, you set this nightmare EU thing up, what did you think was going to happen?

Did you think people wanted to live and work in Romania and Bulgaria?  Why would anyone want to do that?

This is what Romania looks like, Angela, you retard.

Romania 4 Romania 3 Romania 2 Romania 1The place is filled with gypsies, and even the indigenous Whites are completely poor.

Did you even bother to do a Google Images search before you hatched this insane plot?

Do you even know where Romania is, Merkel?

You have really screwed your own people over with this one.

From the AFP:

Germany, Europe’s top economy, is grappling with how to handle immigration from poor EU members Romania and Bulgaria now that their citizens can seek work anywhere within the bloc.

Restrictions that barred residents from the European Union’s two poorest states looking for jobs in some of its wealthiest members expired Wednesday, sparking fears by some of mass invasion and so-called benefits tourism.

Britain, where hundreds of thousands of immigrants have settled since the European Union first expanded into Eastern Europe in 2004, in December rushed through legislation restricting EU migrants from claiming unemployment handouts.

Germany, the continent’s economic powerhouse, where the minimum wage is about five times what it is in Romania and Bulgaria, is now also considering what steps to take.

Days before the government of conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to examine possible measures to make benefits abuse more difficult, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel called for a debate on the issue.

“I think it’s not necessary to exaggerate this issue. But it shouldn’t be minimized either,” he said in an interview with Bild newspaper Saturday.

Gabriel and Merkel agreed in talks held Friday on the need for tougher measures against those abusing the country’s generous welfare system.

“We don’t need all-out discrimination of the Bulgarians and Romanians, but neither should we ignore the problems some big German cities face with the immigration of poor people,” Gabriel said.