“JD Vance” is a man without a basic identity.
He’s a single mother disaster raised by multiple step dads who had a high IQ and went to Yale, then wrote a pretty good novel (I genuinely like the book). Then he married an Indian. And instead of trying to assimilate her, she assimilated him – he named his son “Vivek.”
He was a Never Trumper, then became an ultra-Trumper.
He has no roots, no identity, no image of self.
He can be anyone and anything.
His childhood name was “James Hamel,” using his stepfather’s name. He even changed his middle name from “Donald” to “David,” because his father’s name was “Donald,” and there was to be no memory of his father.
Then when his mother got divorced a second time, he took her name.
His actual father’s name was “Bowman,” meaning that is his name. “James Donald Bowman” was the name on his birth certificate.
Right now he’s “JD Vance,” the Vice President Elect, servant of Israel.
He talks about how he’s against neocons and rich people and old conservative internationalist/globalist values. Then he says “yeah but Israel is different.” He doesn’t have a coherent explanation as to why. I would like to hear why Israel is different than the Ukraine.
I saw an interview, after he had converted from anti-Trumpism, and he said “I don’t really care what happens in the Ukraine, as I don’t think it is relevant to Americans.” It’s a great statement.
But why doesn’t that apply to Israel?
If anything, we should be actively bombing Israel just on principle, because they are committing a genocide. But I don’t even support that. Well, I would support that. Not necessarily even because they’re killing Palestinians. I mean, that’s a reason, but I would just support bombing Israel on principle. But that’s not the argument I’m making.
I’m asking how you can possibly say “Ukraine is none of our business” and then add “but we will die for Israel.”
It’s a rhetorical question.
I am just going to tell you, right now: my father is a giant of a man, and I wish every day that I could be more like him.
But if he raped, murdered, and ate a baby, my name would remain “Andrew Barret Anglin.” The name on my birth certificate is going to be on my gravestone.
People have nicknames and crew names and brew names, and that’s whatever. If he likes “JD,” that’s fine. For me, “Drew” was okay. I never liked “Andy.” After a certain time, I told people to call me “Andre.” I think it’s cooler and sort of sillier too. Of course, as an adult in professional life, I use the full “Andrew,” because it sounds adulty. That’s all whatever.
But when you have three surnames, and when you’re freed from your mother’s grasp, you don’t go to the office and say “I would like my father’s name reinstated, please,” then you are like a gooey paste that can be molded into any shape.
The name thing is really all you need to know.
And that he’s married to an Indian. If he was an incel, okay. I don’t shame men for taking what they can get. But he’s a Yale graduate. Less than 10,000 people graduate from Yale every year. You might as well tattoo “ELITE” onto your forehead.
Given current standards of conservatism, he might as well have.
A Yale degree is a pussy pass.
Yet this pussy chose to have an “interfaith marriage” with a Hindu.
Sorry. I’m not racist, but that’s fucking disgusting.
Then in 2019, at the age of 36, he converted to Catholicism for some reason. I mean, we’re all struggling with the various denominations of Christianity. I converted in my 30s to a different branch of Christianity. But I’m not married to a Hindu. And I don’t know what Catholic priest would baptize a man married to an unrepentant Hindu.
What sort of a marriage is that? If he’s just like “yeah, whatever, I’m not really religious, who cares if this bitch is Hindu,” then okay. But he cared enough to actually be baptized Catholic while his wife is doing rituals to fucking Ganesh in the next room?
Can you imagine this?
Can you imagine walking by your wife, praying to an elephant man, and saying “okay, honey, I’ll be in the next room praying the rosary, hope Ganesh blesses your Bhakti Marga, babe.”
Honestly, if he had converted her – before marriage – I would be a lot less bothered. (Frankly, I would be less bothered if he’d converted to Hinduism himself.)
But you know what. I would still be really bothered.
He has no stake in the future of America. He has no stake in the future of white people, who are the core of America. (Frankly, the only actual Americans are us, the blacks, and maybe a few injuns. Most of the injuns have their own autonomous reservations, and therefore are literally not Americans.)
He has no stake in the future of the Christian faith.
His kids are being raised by a Hindu woman.
His kids are going to be totally fucked.
If he has no identity, no stake in the future of the West, of America, of white people, of Christianity, what does he have a stake in?
Israel, apparently.
You can go read about it. He cares a whole lot about Israel.
He also says he cares about “the white working class,” but what is that, and why would he care about it?
I’m sorry, but when I hear the term “working class” in the current year, I think of “poor people,” and I have very little sympathy for poor people. I have some sympathy. But it’s not really a core issue for me. Fewer than 10% of white Americans are in this category, and they all are really, really fucked up on drugs. They have all kinds of baby-mama drama.
Basically, they are a non-entity, socially. They will be dragged along with the middle classes, and hopefully they will be brought up out of their sorry state if the white middle classes are rescued.
Saying “I want to help the working class” is saying “I want to help junkies and morbidly obese people in trailer parks.”
Sorry, but how do you help those people?
The only thing you can do is bring up the society as a whole, and raise the standards of the environments these people are in. Or you can I guess pass out clean needles?
“I care about the working class” is a total bullshit talking point. I care about people who actually care about themselves, and are getting fucked by the government and BlackRock. How about instead of clean needles, we talk about how hard it is to start a small business in this country? How government regulations have made it virtually impossible for millennials and beyond to ever have anything close to the living standards of their parents?
Or hey – how about we talk about bombing Israel?
Yes, The VP Pick Matters (And for Reasons Other Than “Trump is a 78-Year-Old Man with an Ear Problem”)
Yes, the VP is “a heartbeat away from the presidency.” But in reality, he doesn’t really do very much. Even in theory, he doesn’t do very much.
But Trump is really old, people are poking his ear, you know. There’s a real chance “JD Vance” could become president.
What I am more concerned about though is that this is effectively his first cabinet pick. I already know what is happening, but apparently some people do not. Apparently a lot of people do not understand what is happening. What is happening is that Donald Trump is building an Israel First coalition, and there is really no reason anyone would support him other than the fact he is funny. (And he still is funny, and he can still suck me in when he’s on a roll – I will never dislike him as a person. He’s just too funny. But I’m talking about real life issues here, and things that are going to happen to you and your family.)
Trump was going around for months supporting abortion. He didn’t have to do that. He very easily could have said what he eventually said, which was “it’s up to the states, where it should be.” Instead, he was complaining about 6-week bans in conservative states, and saying stupid whores needed longer to decide whether they want to kill their baby. The whole idea of the 6-week ban is that at that point, you know you’re pregnant, and then you can decide.
But the Christian perspective is that life begins at conception. I honestly don’t understand the moral difference between an early abortion, a late abortion, and killing a baby that has already been born. Obviously, there is a visceral emotional difference when you can see that the baby looks like a human instead of a tadpole thingie. But morally, and really practically, what is the difference? The only thing I can think of is if it is painful for the baby to die, but if you are at that level, where you’re asking “can we kill the baby painlessly?”, you’ve gone way past the point of any basic moral framework into some other realm. This becomes like asking what age children should be legally allowed to get tattoos, or something else stupid and arbitrary. It’s aesthetics.
So, yeah, the whole “Trump Abortion Crusade” was real.
He also did the vaccine, and keeps telling people to take these kill shots.
He says he’s going to stop immigration, but who gives a shit about that at this point? What difference does it make if 2035 America is 36% white or 38% white? He’s also saying he’s just going to replace the Venezuelans with Indians, which is arguably worse.
What are his talking points? Now it’s all about “oh, I got a small injury on my ear somehow – apparently, it was from a rifle bullet, but there isn’t really any evidence of that.”
The guy won’t even agree to stop funding the Ukraine war. I thought that was a big talking point. But not anymore.
The fact is: this entire thing is about Israel.
So who is going to be in his cabinet? Well, Vance is the tell. It’s going to be stacked with Israel Firsters, hellbent on eliminating all threats to Israel. That is the only actual agenda of Trump 2024.
I was Right Again
I was running for a long time with the basic talking point that Trump 2024 was retarded because the 2020 and 2022 elections were fake, and voter fraud is now baked into the voting system through the mail-in ballot system, so even talking about Trump 2024 was ridiculous.
Then October 7th happened, and I started to see the shift, and I said, “what 2020 actually proved was that the vote count doesn’t determine the outcome of an election – it doesn’t prove Trump can’t ‘win.'” It started to become obvious that this Israel thing was a very big deal, and that the Israel Jews, who have a stranglehold on the entire US government, preferred Trump.
I started saying “I think they’re going to appoint him.” I became more and more convinced of this. I was argued with by election believers, who claimed without evidence that the 2024 election would be real for no reason, and people who said that the American Jews and the Democrat/media establishment hates Trump too much to let him come back.
Here we are.
After the debate, the Democrats were all saying they were going to get a new candidate. Then Trump had a small injury on his ear, and the Democrats claimed that they would be too busy sending condolences for the next four months, and would instead just let Trump run effectively unopposed, admitting that he will win.
This is all ridiculous.
I saw a piece from The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur, and he actually said exactly what I said – “they are going to be sending condolences for 4 months.”
This is the Democrat narrative, all over the place.
Cenk’s take is that the Democrats like it when Trump is in power because they raise a lot of money and don’t have to do anything. This is partially true (if the Democrats in question think they can hold their seats, it’s obviously more true). However, as a general rule, the party itself would much rather be in power than not, despite the fact that individual candidates might like doing nothing but complaining about Trump and raking in cash. But it is also true that shot-callers like Chuck Schumer get calls from Israel about what shots to call.
The Democrats are now openly standing down, despite the fact that they could run a media op saying Biden’s poll numbers are rising and he has a 98% chance of winning and then just announce that he won. What are people going to do?
Storm the Capitol?
This is a democracy. You don’t have any ability to petition grievances. If the government fakes an election, you just have to say “well, we’ll get them next time – in the next fake election.”
There is a 100% chance that the Democrats could roll out Gavin Newsom, say the nation is rallying around his moderate message of love and peace, keep saying Trump’s own “rhetoric” led to his shooting, and then fake the votes. Nothing would happen if they did that.
But they’re not going to do that.
Because Israel controls America, and Israel wants Trump, because Trump is going to support them 100% and he is the man who can rally young, fit, white males to go fight a war against Iranian globalists hellbent on destroying the US economy.
Frankly, even I’m shocked at how hard I called all this.
It’s a curse.
Why am I the guy?
Andrew Anglin Officially Endorses “Toyota Hilux” 2024
My professional advice to you is to not vote. You are damaging your soul by participating in this charade.
Voting was always stupid, but this is ridiculous.
When you sign that ballot, you are consenting to be governed by this system.
This system does not have a right to govern you.
This government is illegitimate. It is a criminal cartel run by foreign Jews. It has power because it has guns and men who will use those guns to kill you if you resist it. That’s all. It’s not different from any other criminal gang. Frankly, it is less principled than virtually any other criminal gang, as criminal gangs typically have some type of rules-based order.
This government has no rules-based order.
The Good News
I’m actually really positive about all of this. This level of ridiculousness has gotten so heinous that it cannot possibly survive much longer.
There are adults over in the next room.
These adults feel that the godless US system of global domination is an existential threat, and they are ready to ride or die for their right to exist outside of this “international rules-based order.”
Sino-Futurism is already here. Look at what BYD did to Tesla. Then imagine that this is going to happen to every single Western and Japanese/Korean company. Then imagine that the Chinese are building a massive international trade route to allow everyone to participate in their global “let’s all just get rich” scheme.
China’s vision of the future is one where every nation minds their own business, and everyone gets rich.
Obviously, they want themselves at the center of this. It’s not charity. But in this system, instead of bombing and sanctioning countries that make trouble, they will just cut trade. And they are going to have a way different definition of “making trouble” than the US has. The US sanctions countries for not allowing gay marriage. China has stated, consistently, that every nation has a right to run its own internal affairs as they see fit. They work with Hungary, the Taliban, Burma, the blacks – they don’t care. They have yet to try to tell anyone what to do inside their own country. What they do say is that countries do not have a right to illegally invade other countries in order to force their values on them.
Sino-Futurism might not be ideal. Personally, I would have preferred a world run by white people. But white people decided they didn’t want to do that, and instead handed over all of their power to Jews, because they saw a photo of a pile of shoes.
So, we got the Chinese.
I’m good with it.
I think we should stop selling the Chinese US land. This is actually insane. But whose idea was that?
Oh, the same people who are now trying to start a war with China.
Sino-Futurism will be flawed, like any system, but you are not going to have to worry about the public school turning your kids gay, you’re not going to have to climb over zombie homeless people while going out to buy a pack of cigarettes, you’re not going to scrape to get by on a single income.
Just embrace it.
Worse things have happened to better people.