If You are Doxed, You Should Never Confirm It to Cops or Bloggers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2019

On Sunday, I wrote about the doxing of podcaster Grandpa Lampshade by the evil axis of HuffPo bloggers, Verizon, antifa and apparently, the FBI.

I want to go back and mention something about this event.

This was in the HuffPo article:

On Tuesday, Jeffreys was at his job at the auto parts store several miles up the highway, his wife’s bright orange muscle car parked outside. When HuffPost reporters approached him to confirm his identity and ask about his racist alter ego, he agreed to talk outside on the store’s front steps. He was visibly nervous.

“Who’s doxing me?” he asked, holding a paint can and using the far-right’s preferred term for any journalism that exposes extremists.

He was worried about anti-fascist activists in the area and claimed he had received death threats. He didn’t want to lose his job. He said he’d ended his show and wanted to be left alone to take care of his family. He claimed that he’d never called for violence on the podcast — but he had, several times.

When asked about the podcast episode after that massacre, the one where he questioned the purpose of killing “random Jews” instead of “high-profile Jews,” Jeffreys said that people bent on violence can’t be swayed with appeals to morality. Better, he said, to talk strategy.

“I’m not responsible for crazy people doing crazy shit,” he said.

After speaking with HuffPost, Jeffreys took old episodes of his show offline. But he is still responsible for promoting an ideology in which violence against Jewish and non-white people is not only justified but ultimately required.

So, he did confirm his identity to the journalists, which is why they went to him in the first place, by their own admission.

This is someone who did not have his face out there at all. HuffPo got the pictures they published of him from public Facebook accounts.

Based on what they wrote about how they doxed him, I don’t think they would have been able to confirm his identity without him confirming it to them.

In the podcast he did on this event, he said that the FBI visited him before the doxing.

In all likelihood, the FBI themselves told HuffPo who he was, but they can’t say that in their article. Instead, they claimed that they found him because years ago, his wife used a real name account to advertise the show, and they claim that some real name email was used somewhere.

However, he has the same name as dozens of people on Facebook. He could have simply told the HuffPo reporters “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” and I do not think they would have been able to print this story.

He also confirmed his identity to the FBI. And the other possible course of events is that the antifa, bloggers and multinational telecommunications giant hunting him did find the real name email account and told the FBI they thought he was this guy in Texas based on his accent. The FBI straight-up told him that they were visiting him because antifa was spamming them with reports on him.

So it is possible that the FBI hadn’t confirmed who he was. If the FBI used spying techniques to identify him, even though he wasn’t charged with a crime or under investigation, that would be illegal. Obviously, the FBI does a bunch of illegal shit, but I don’t know if they would do it in this case. It is perfectly legal for them to go try to talk to him if they already have a clue who he is.

He should have absolutely refused to talk to the FBI. It is fucking insane to willingly talk to the FBI, under any circumstance.

He should have said: “I want a court-appointed lawyer.”

To which they would have said: “You’re not being charged with anything.”

To which he should have said: “Then am I free to go?”

When we tell you “don’t talk to the cops,” this isn’t some joke or some game. This is very, very serious. You are never obligated to talk to the FBI and there is absolutely nothing good that can ever come from doing it.

I don’t know how many fucking times I have to post this video:





Nothing bad will happen if you don’t. And any number of things may happen to you if you do.

If the cops approach you, you are not special, you are not in some unique situation where this rule doesn’t apply to you – you are exactly what we are talking about when we say, six million times, “DO NOT TALK TO THE FUCKING COPS.”

Anyway, yes, these are separate issues, and it is possible that the cops didn’t confirm his identity to antifa/bloggers/Verizon. We don’t know.

But look: you are not obligated to talk to anyone, ever. Even if you are arrested, the US Constitution says that you have a right to an attorney – and the cops even tell you that when they are arresting you.

I understand that it can be nerve-racking when you get in such a situation, and you may not know what to do, so you need to plan it beforehand. Plan it in your mind. Work it through so that if you do get approached by police, bloggers, whatever, you are ready to say nothing.

Of course, I don’t know all of the details of Grandpa Lampshade’s situation, and it is possible that he would have been doxed either way. Based on what I can see publicly, he would not have been doxed if he’d refused to talk to anyone, but maybe he would have been. Probably, antifa would have printed the information on one of their blogs without confirmation as they regularly do, but he could have just denied that.

But even if he would have been doxed anyway, there was no benefit to him in talking to cops and bloggers.

These people are on an absolute rampage, and they are going to keep doxing smaller and smaller people, because the big people are already all doxed, but they want to continue trying to publicly humiliate randos and destroy their lives. And even if you’re just someone who comments and has written a couple of blog posts or done a couple of radio shows, they will print that you are a big-time leader in the “neo-Nazi white supremacist movement.” And you will be fired from your job, and you may be attacked at your home by antifa terrorists.

So you need to be ready for this situation.

To be clear:

  1. If someone calls your work to talk to your boss, deny it.
  2. If cops show up, ask for a lawyer.
  3. If journalists show up, ask them to leave.
  4. Don’t panic-delete everything immediately after being approached, as this is confirmation (and they have it all saved anyway).

Even if you end up doxed, doing these things will not – IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE – have hurt your situation.

Grandpa Lampshade Will Continue His Show

Grandpa Lampshade had quit his podcast after the FBI visited him, but since he got doxed anyway, he’s decided to keep doing his show.

You can follow him on Gab for updates. Although I would advise against making a Gab account, because since the Bowers shooting, that place has gotten a wee bit creepy.

Information on how you can support Grandpa Lampshade is also available on his Gab.