Daily Stormer
March 16, 2014

Unsurprisingly, name-dropping Adolf Hitler increases the likelihood a Pavlovian brainwashing victim in America will support a war with Russia.
A YouGov poll tested this.
Half of respondents were asked about the Ukraine crisis only after hearing these questions:
“Do you think Vladimir Putin’s actions in Crimea today are similar to what Hitler did in Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938?”
“Would you consider it ‘appeasement’ for the U.S. and other western democracies not to take strong action to defend Ukraine?”
The other half answered those questions after Ukraine questions.
Doug Rivers gives the results:
Only 21% of those asked in the conventional way favored U.S. involvement in the Ukraine. When this question was preceded by the questions about appeasement and comparing Putin to Hitler, support for U.S. involvement rose to 29%. It didn’t change the overall result — a majority of Americans still oppose getting involved in the Ukraine even after the parallel to 1938 is mentioned — but it does make a difference of about 8%.
And here you have a graph:

For the reader of the Daily Stormer, however, the opposite is true. The more Hitler-like Putin becomes, the greater closeness we feel to him.
Right now, the man is behaving in a very Hitereque manner. Thank God.