Illegal Beaner Enabled by Our Government Continues Robbing Americans Consequence Free

Goy Orbison
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2017

Our ancestors were immigrants no different from these guys. Remember when the European settlers lived off of the Indians’ welfare system and broke into their teepees to steal their flatscreen TVs?

Illegal immigration is one of those issues that will leave you scratching your head the longer you think about it why it’s even an issue to begin with.

If one of us were to to trespass on property or land that didn’t belong to us, there would be consequences. If we weren’t shot, at the very least we’d be arrested and punished, especially if we continued to keep doing it over and over again. For some reason, in many parts of the country, this only applies to US citizens and not the uninvited criminal pests that swarm up from South of the border.


Despite the presence of an immigration detainer, New Jersey police released an illegal alien with no bond after he allegedly burglarized a home in Middlesex County. One week later, local police arrested the illegal alien again while allegedly burglarizing another home. He is a prime suspect in another burglary that occurred on the day he was released from jail.

See, without this malevolent mouse-eared mestizo rat being allowed to run free and terrorize our citizens, our society would fall apart. How would our lawns get mowed and our dishes get washed?

This is exactly why we need these people here. They commit the crimes Americans won’t do. Just look at that hustle. Three robberies in three weeks? Now that’s what I call work ethic.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement Removal Operations (ERO) officers issued an immigration detainer on Douglas Baudriz-Diaz, an illegal alien from El Salvador, after South Plainfield, New Jersey, police officers arrested him for burglarizing a home, according to the department’s Facebook post. A neighbor reportedly witnessed the break-in and called the police. Officers arrested him and processed him into the Middlesex County Adult Corrections Center at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of May 22. ICE officials issued an immigration hold because of the alien’s prior criminal history. Seven hours later, jail officials released the criminal alien without any bond, under the newly enacted New Jersey bond reform law.


Just when you think the government (ICE in this case) is actually going to do it’s job, some bureaucratic idiocy gets in the way and now we have a menacing mestizo (and a confirmed criminal, no less) set loose to terrorize taxpaying Americans.

So what is this stupid bond reform law all about?

Daily Caller:

“With the old bail guidelines, he would have been held in the MCACC with a bail between $10,000-$50,000 due to the degree of his charges,” the police report said.

Police called the illegal immigrant’s release “unfortunate.”

Intended to lessen the strain on New Jersey’s prisons, the January bail law created a risk assessment tool to determine if a defendant is likely to either not appear for trial or commit another crime. Offenders deemed “not likely” are released. The assessment takes into account the offender’s age, past convictions and whether the offense was violent, among other factors. It doesn’t consider race or ethnicity, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

The assessment apparently also ignores immigration status, as Baudriz-Diaz was being held on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement warrant due to being in the country illegally.

Sure he’s done nothing but break the law since he entered the country, but no way he’ll skip his court date and continue to rob people. Where would you get such a crazy idea?

What do we pay these people for? Not only do they refuse to protect us – they actively aid and abet criminal aliens while we pick up the tab. It’s a predicament so ridiculous you wonder why there isn’t more of a push to solve this very simple and entirely preventable problem.

We here at the Stormer are not all about nitpicking and harping on the problem without offering any solutions. And the solution here is very simple.

We Southerners love the Castle Doctrine, and it’s been shown to lower crime rates significantly. Just take the same principle, expand it to cover the entire country and apply it to illegal invaders. Problem solved. You see, if people think there will actually be consequences and punishment for bad behavior, that gives them an incentive to not break the law.
