Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2017
Map of countries with the highest foreign born populations.
Canada is the paradise that all nonwhites have been dreaming of.
Instead of the evil patriarchal overlord Donald Trump, they are ruled by the Duke of Cuckolds, Justin Trudeau (NOTE: cuckolds don’t have kings, it’s too patriarchal – if they did, Trudeau would be it).
Justin Trudeau once let the entire Ugandan national team gang-bang his wife while he watched wearing a burka.
When asked why he did that, he said, “after all we whites have taken from POCs [persons of color] over the centuries, the least I can offer them is every orifice of my wife’s body.”
When asked if he would be open to allowing other groups of POCs to gang-bang his wife, he said “all of the orifices of my wife’s body are always gaping holes for the oppressed people of planet earth. If we are going to come together as one race – the human race – we have to open the bodily orifices of wives to gangs of POCs.”
The number of asylum seekers walking across the U.S. border into Canada rose in June after dropping in the previous two months, according to government figures released on Friday.
There were 884 refugee claimants who crossed the border between formal crossings and were picked up by Royal Canadian Mounted Police last month, bringing the total for the first half of 2017 to 4,345, the data showed.
The vast majority, 88 percent, of June’s crossers went to the province of Quebec, a marked contrast from previous months where upwards of 100 a month went to the prairie province of Manitoba.
Many asylum seekers whom Reuters has spoken to said they left the United States because they feared deportation in light of President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown.
It’s a win-win-win situation.
Canada is in competition to become the least white formerly white country on the planet, which they are currently winning with 20% of their population being foreign born. Sweden, however, is on a rampage to catch up, having gone from virtually no foreign born persons to 15% in a decade and a half. Germany is also at 15%.
So if Canada wants to hold that lead, they need as many brown people as they can get.
We in America are happy to oblige, because we want all of these filthy monkeys to get the hell out.
The monkeys themselves win, as they get even more free things in Canada than we give them here.
And if there is one thing brown-skinned people love, it’s free things.
After all, the slogan of the World Refugee Agencies is “Give Me All You Shit, Motherfucker, Or I’ll Kill Your Family.”