Illegal Immigrants Smarter Than MIT, will Save Us with Robots

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2014

A new documentary proves that Mexicans are all destined to be geniuses, if we just stop holding them back. A new documentary proves that Mexicans are all destined to be geniuses, if we just stop holding them back.

I recently wrote a satire piece where I mocked the idea that illegal Latino immigrants were going to fill high-technology jobs in America, pointing out the fact that most of these people have very low IQs and come to America exclusively for handouts.

Well, apparently, there is an upcoming documentary which actually makes the argument that these immigrants are geniuses and a blessing to our nation.

As described by a Jew writer in the Daily Beast, the film “Underwater Dreams” tells the story of a group of illegal immigrants who design a robot and enter it into a contest and win, beating even a team from MIT.

The film derives its name from an underwater robot invented by these dreamy boys, dreaming of an American dream for Mexicans.

I have no idea if the story is true or not, or what the actual details of the competition were. Methinks it could be something like that Kony 2012 movie, where those weird hipsters tried to get America to invade Africa because they said some jungle guy named Kony was kidnapping kids. Then it turned out he wasn’t really kidnapping kids, he was actually probably the good guy of the situation.

Anyway, even if the film is exactly true, and these Mexican boys really are robotics geniuses, it doesn’t matter. No one has ever argued that it is impossible for Mexicans to have high IQs, we have simply stated the obvious fact that the average IQ of a Mexican is significantly lower than that of the average White American. Officially, it is 87, with the Average White American’s being around 100.

We have also never stated that all Mexicans are “bad people” or that they are useless. All we have ever stated is that we believe we have a right to our own country, and that these people do not belong here – they belong in their own country.

What a film like this does is take individuals – and we can all relate to individuals – and draws people into an emotional story. The reality is that millions of Mexicans are not millions of individuals, they are a group of people. And as a group, they are extremely destructive to our society as a whole.

The Daily Beast article is calling for this film to be used to indoctrinate school children, and I am expecting that exactly that will happen.

It appears as though we have already lost the battle to eject these tens of thousands of Latino children from the United States. I guess we can only hope that they all grow up to be robotics technicians, rather than illiterate and violent welfare recipients.

With all of these children coming in, we can only hope that someday our nation will be as great as Honduras With all of these children coming in, we can only hope that someday our nation will be as great as Honduras