Illegal Spic Crashes Into Woman’s Car, Drags Her Into a Ditch and Rapes Her for Two Hours

Daily Stormer
November 14, 2016


Enriching your roads and ditches, goyim.

Donald Trump hates the color of the skin – it’s pure evil.


On Halloween night, somewhere between 2:15 and 3 a.m., 26-year-old Roberto Carlos Flores Sibrian crashed into a young woman’s car with his SUV on a dark Northern Virginia highway. Rather than call for help, Sibrian proceeded to haul the young woman from her car, drag her into a nearby ditch and rape her for two hours.

When he was done, Sibrian fled the scene, leaving behind both his shirt and his victim in the ditch. Battered and bruised, the woman was finally able to call for help.

Authorities arrested Sibrian three days later at the construction site in North Carolina where he worked and charged him with rape and sexual battery. The rapist, whose nationality wasn’t specified in local reports, was quickly identified as an illegal alien. He didn’t have a permanent address, but authorities said he’d been living in Fredericksburg, just over an hour’s drive from Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Washington, D.C.

According to NBC Washington, Sibrian is being detained in Lee County Jail in North Carolina on a $100,000 secured bond and an U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer.

Stories like these are just one of the myriad reasons why many Americans are concerned about the administration’s repeated failure to enforce federal immigration laws. And the flow of unvetted illegal aliens streaming in from Central America – and a host of other nations worldwide – isn’t stopping anytime soon.